Impersonating Users in Sugar With SugarIdentity

Sugar admins, did you know that you can log in as a regular or other system administrator user in your organization using the "Impersonate (Log in as)" option in SugarIdentity? Impersonating a user in Sugar allows you to access and view the same modules/settings as the user's actual account without having to obtain their login credentials. So, if your instance is SugarIdentity-enabled, be sure to check out and utilize this useful tool!

Here are some common use cases for user impersonation:

  • Reproducing or troubleshooting a user-reported issue directly from the user's account.
  • Previewing a new user's account to ensure that it is set up correctly before the user first logs in to Sugar.  
  • Previewing a user's account after assigning new teams and roles to ensure that the proper permissions and restrictions are in place. 
  • Creating and/or configuring dashboards for users directly in their account. 
  • Performing any necessary tests or validating user interface changes in the user's account.


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