Staying up-to-date on Sugar's release updates

If you're familiar with Sugar's quarterly release cycle, then you have probably had experience with some of the major improvements that are introduced to Sugar Sell, Sugar Serve, Sugar Enterprise, and Sugar Professional on a quarterly or annual basis, depending on if your instance is hosted in SugarCloud or on-site. Included in a release of a new Sugar version, new Product Guides and Release Notes are also produced to inform all Sugar users about how to use Sugar and all of the new updates in the most recent release. 

This week's tip is to remind you about another article to review for new releases that explain various practical situations that you may have been accustomed to in a prior release, and how that experience changes in the new release. Sugar's "What to Expect" articles can be found in the Installation and Upgrade section of Help Articles and detail the changes users may experience in each new version. 

Sugar's next major release for Q2 2021 (11.0) is coming soon and will benefit SugarCloud and on-site customers, so everyone should review the What to Expect article upon release. Also, be sure to join the Sugar SellSugar Serve, and Enterprise & Sell groups in SugarClub to keep up-to-date on these upcoming releases! 

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