• BPM to inherit industry field from parent account

    Hi! We want to pull a dropdown field value from a parent account to its child accounts. (For example, the industry of a child account should be the same as its parent). I tried to configure a BPM for this purpose. The issue I'm facing here is -…
  • Creating a Comment Log Entry Using SugarBPM

    Since the Comment Log is partially a field and partially a related module, I do not see the Comment Log as a field when configuring a SugarBPM Change Field Event nor do I see it as a module when configuring a SugarBPM Add Related Record Event. Has anyone…
  • How to automate the creation of a new smart guide on a re-opened opportunity?

    Hello there, I have a customer (Sell 13.2) who would like to allow their users to reopen opportunities and restart a smart guide. They have 2 templates (new biz & renewal), so the new smart guide should be the same as the previous one. Users can create…
  • BPM with exclusive gateway and wait event

    Hello all, I have a requirement that i think i can implement with a BPM. We have a module in which, when a record is created, we set a date/time field with +1, +7 or +15 days based on a dropdown value. This field is always in the future and read only…
  • SugarBPM: Start Event Relationship Change not working via REST?

    Hello, I would like to implement a process that starts when a new ticket is attached to a lead. The relationship change event also works when I link a ticket to the lead via the UI. However, we also have a REST interface running that does just that…
  • BPM - Use custom variables that will be calculated and replaced before the email is sent

    Hi guys, before go deeper in the code and do it maybe not the best way, I want to know if one of you face my problem and maybe solved it. I want to send an email using the BPM from my record A (for instance an Opportunity). In this email, I would…
  • Record URL in BPM Process email templates for clickable images?

    Hello Sugar lovers! I'm trying to pimp my customer's email reminders by using images. I'd like to make some of them clickable and send the user to the record page. The use case is a reminder to provide a meeting report. The issue is that the tag I…
  • Cross-Field updates

    Hello, Would it be possible to set-up cross-field updates on the same Module. We are updating Comment Log weekly, and it does show a great summary on the Opportunity, but cannot be added to the List view. We also have a Next Steps field that is…
  • We would like to send an email via SugarBPM only if today is a weekday

    We have a requirement to only send a notification if the date is a weekday. If it is not a weekday wait 1 day and try again. How can I add a check to see if today is a weekday?
  • SugarBPM Business Rules - Enhance the display for dropdown selection in a proper way ?

    Hello, we are probably not the only one to facing the issues with SugarBPM Business Rules screen when you are manipulating dropdown with "long" label. As you can see on the screen shot bellow, the selected record AND the dropdown element picker…
  • Remove a team via SugarBPM?

    Hi there, I have a scenario in which access to a record depends on a field of said record. In Sugar 12.0, I've created a BPM that triggers upon creation of update (if that field changes). I am able to add the "global" team if condition A is met, and…
  • Approval BPM Hiding Quote Fields

    Hi Sugar Clubbers, I have created a BPM with an approval flow to be triggered when a quote is Closed Accepted. A user then checks the quote for a signature and make sure all the values are correct before a user is allowed to place orders. Unfortunately…
  • Introduction to the Sugar Frameworks

    My latest post on the 4 Sugar Frameworks can be found at sugarcrm.substack.com/.../sugar-framework
  • Date and age-based alerts: SugarBPM or scheduled job?

    Hello Sugar lovers! We're getting more and more requirements to perform actions after a date or age has been reached: sleeping opportunities, renewal reminders, escalate accounts without activity... These generally cannot be solved by a report (dashboard…
  • Allow changes to field values to be tested for within a BPM flow

    As part of an opportunity approval flow, I need to check if the user has increased the Likely amount. To do this, I need to be able to set a test within an exclusive gateway to detect if a module field value has changed. We can do this within the start…
  • Stopping BPM/Workflows triggering on $bean->save()

    Hi all. I'm doing a semi-custom import using CSV data with some conditionally formatting and record creation. I don't want any workflows firing when these records are saved using $bean->save(). I do want logic hooks to still fire but not BPM/Workflows…
  • First response not calculated

    Hello everybody! My team and I wanted to use the First Response fields that are available in Sugar 10. We were planning to use it to get a better view of SLAs and deliver better customer experience. Following the documentation we found that Business…
  • Has anyone done the connection with AWS Lambda?

    After creating a record we need to run a function in AWS Lambda, sending a special payload. I see that in the composer.json I have access to the AWS SDK for PHP in version 3. I was thinking of occupying a custom SugarBPM node for this task, I am hesitating…
  • Is it possible to add a link of the corresponding Sugar BPM process to a process email template?

    Hello, we would like to notify users on new processes by email and allow them to directly jump into the process. Right now we can only link them to their dashboard/process list and have them click through the view. So right now i do not see a way…
  • Emails from BPM are not being linked to parent record

    Hello, I have a Process Definition that sends emails to the primary email address in accounts, I'm using the sugar email ID to link these into the Emails subpanel for the proper account, however, over the Email record the parent Account is not being…
  • BPM - creating copy of same module

    Every year, we create a renewal quote for customers. When customers accept a quote (denoted by changing the quote stage), we'd like to use BPM to create a copy of the quote (and the quote line items) for next year. Unfortunately, BPM only lets you create…
  • How to create a custom PMSE action with the possibility to set a parameter

    Hello, I want to know if someone know "How to create a custom PMSE action with the possibility to set a parameter" in Sugar. We went through this documentation : https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_9.0/Architecture…
  • Problem with triggering BPM process

    I have a relate field in Opportunities called Assigned Engineer that's related to the Users module. In the database, this field is saved as opportunities_cstm.user_id_c . I'm trying to set up a SugarBPM process that will be triggered when a user with…
  • Can Sugar BPM create a follow-up Call?

    Currently using Enterprise v9.0.2 Would like to create a follow-up Call based on some simple criteria after a Call is held. First issue seems to be that SugarBPM cannot create a Call if your definition module is also Calls. I have managed to create a…
  • How to set a field equal to another field in SugarBPM

    I'm trying to set up a SugarBPM process that will be integrated with a Customer Journey. The first task in the Customer Journey calls for assigning an Engineer to an Opportunity. The several subsequent tasks have to be assigned to the Engineer above.…
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