Record URL in BPM Process email templates for clickable images?

Hello Sugar lovers!

I'm trying to pimp my customer's email reminders by using images. I'd like to make some of them clickable and send the user to the record page. The use case is a reminder to provide a meeting report. 

The issue is that the tag I'm using is transformed upon save and is therefore not interpreted. 

For instance: 

<a href="{::href_link::Meetings::name::}"><img src="myurl"></a>

Is transformed to: 

<a href="%7B%3A%3Ahref_link%3A%3AMeetings%3A%3Aname%3A%3A%7D"><img src"myurl)></a>

Which of course is not interpreded and is rendered as is. 

Am I using the wrong tag? Your help will be much appreciated!


  • Added note: we are on Sugar Sell 12.3 on our way to 13.0 ;) 

    Damien Pochon

    CRM & Digital consultant @ ITS4U Group

  • Hi ,

    The variable you are seeking to use would not work even if the variable was not encoded on saving the template. This variable explicitly prints out the record name with a hyperlink to the record rather than just being the raw URL.

    With that said, even if I select an explicit URL field (e.g. the Website field on Accounts) to be the variable for your use case, the variable string still gets encoded as you observed and that does not translate to a hyperlink in the resulting email. That seems like it should be treated as a bug and I recommend filing a case with Sugar. 
