• Email template for the CASE module - How to use Account or Contact variables ?

    Hello, I was wondering if one of you already customize the variable replacement to extend the behavior. My problem is the following : you can, through the EMAIL TEMPLATE module, create a template and add several variables, including : Contact…
  • Assigning Customer Service Cases to Different Users via the Sugar Portal

    Hello everyone, I would like to ask for your assistance regarding a prospect. The prospect is a customer of a supermarket chain, and their use case involves creating customer service cases. The customer service team needs to have the ability to create…
  • Cases: Assign Follow-Up Cases to parent cases assigned user depending on shift availability

    Hi, I'm looking for a solution: There is a case and the assignment is performed via the Round Robin process depending on the shifts module. Our customers have the possibility to create a follow-up case. This will be subordinated to the previous case…
  • Duplicate Relationships and Subpanels in Cases

    Dear SugarClub Members, We have a number of duplicate relationships in the Cases module. These relationships may have been created in Studio but are now not able to be removed from Studio. With the duplicate relationships, it has also created…
  • How to get all cases linke to Opportunity?

    I try to get all cases, linke to an opportunity (for example). I need the information in a LogicHook because i want to link the same cases to another type (in this specific case to a document). I´ve tried a lot, but always unable to fetch the linked…
  • Create Custom Filter to Cases

    Hi Everyone! I need to create a custom filter module for cases. The "cases" module has a relationship with the "accounts" module, so the custom filter should show in my "cases" list view, only the records that its relationship with "accounts" its…
  • Posting Duplicates records using webhook

    Problem Generating 2 identical POST request records with one web hook ( method:POST. Module:case, trigger: after save). Expected Output: Generate only one record (POST request) of the case being saved. Context I've set up a web hook that sends…
  • How to stop Inbound mails creating a case for Email Delivery Failure Notifications?

    Hi, I have a gmail mailbox setup as Inbound Group Mailbox in Sugar , its setup to create Cases automatically. I have a problem of cases being created for bounced back emails such as the Email Delivery Failure notification emails, which we don't want…
  • Web Wook Unknown Error

    After activating a webhook for the cases modules i get the following error(see below) every time I tried to create a case from the sugarCRM base platform, it keeps functioning after the record has been created and it sends the event created to the specified…
  • How to add module case in email template?

    I need to create an email template, with information of cases, like case number, the subject and the description. How can I add this information, since only the account modules, contacts / lead / targets and users, can it be added to the template? Im…
  • Creating new cases from emails

    Hello! Just started on Sugar development. Im trying to develop a solution so that any time an email is received I can create a case based on the body and subject. I have managed to create cases from the API and with the inbound email tool in the console…
  • Set selected_teams (padlock) in Logic Hook

    Hello All, I am working on SugarCRM Enterprise, Version 9.0.2 (Build 191) (Spring '19) I can set padlock (which is used for teams with special access: O&ST) from record.js but I want to set it from hook. I want to achieve same functionality from before_save…
  • show notes contents in case admin

    I was wandering if there was a way to show a notes content which are attached to a case whilst in the admin area. Similar to how notes are viewed in the sugar case portal when you open a case. Sugar said its possible but we need to speak with our system…
  • Cases Recordview sometimes not rendering for one specific user

    Without apparent pattern, one specific user (out of around 40 total) has been opening Case recordview to sometimes find that the entire "main pane" section, containing all fields as well as the edit button, have not been rendered in the browser. The entire…
  • After upgrade to version 6.5.23 case status closed missing

    Hello to all, After upgrade to Version 6.5.23 case status "Closed" is missing from drop-down menu when edit a new case. Value "Closed" exist in Studio field "Status" for cases (drop-down menu edit). We already have made Admin -> Quick Repair and Rebuild…
  • Sugar 8, sending email from Group address

    Has anyone found a workaround to bug 79888? See: SugarCRM We can't set the sender of emails from Cases to the Inbound Email queue address and this is a problem for us. We do not want Customer Support and Technical Support emails coming from the individual…
  • Create Email (compose.js) - how do I access the pre-populated contacts from the render function?

    Hello, For context: I am attempting to extend compose.js to set up some default values based on the number of contacts initially added. I am creating the email from the email subpanel on a case, which adds the case contacts into the email recipients by…
  • Cannot add related Account and Contact to a Case record on a custom API endpoint

    I have a working custom REST API endpoint in Sugar 7.8 and I even created Note records to test that it works. This endpoint does not require authentication but sets the global $current_user to the system user in order to allow the use of BeanFactory.…