• Custom Web Logic Hooks or custom events

    Hi All Ive used a few Web logic hooks to send data out to our services server but now have the need to do something more custom. I can achieve what i need with a before save and after save hook that can compare fields and then send the data via curl…
  • Why am I getting HTTP: 500 Internal Server Error when I am trying to use after_retrieve?

    I am trying to use logic hook 'after_retrieve', but I keep getting a 500 Internal Server Error when it is trying to load records into the subpanel. It happens whether I have something called by after_retrieve or even just set it as an empty array…
  • Sprint Week 2020 Recap!

    Last week (9.28.2020 - 10.2.2020) members of the Product and Engineering teams set aside time to participate in SugarCRM's annual internal hack-a-thon called "Sprint Week". This year was a bit different than past Sprint Weeks in that we were ALL remote…
  • How to only fire logic hook on main record?

    Hi everyone. Hopefully something fairly easy. I've built a logic hook for opportunities which utilizes the "Before_Save" format. However the customer has had past code that fires Opportunity logic hooks whenever the account is saved. I cannot find a way…
  • Posting Duplicates records using webhook

    Problem Generating 2 identical POST request records with one web hook ( method:POST. Module:case, trigger: after save). Expected Output: Generate only one record (POST request) of the case being saved. Context I've set up a web hook that sends…
  • How to call logic hook on document revision module?

    Hi, I am trying to call logic hook when creating document revision for particular document record. when I create document record, the logic hook works properly but when I add another document by document revision, then no logic hook calls. For other any…
  • How to obtain SugarBean from a relate field?

    Hi All I am working in Cases After Save logic hook and need to get a bean from a relate field. I have a relate field named vehicle_c which is related to a custom module called Vehicle. When I log the the field below in sugarlog I seem to get the title…
  • Sending Info to a specific endpoint

    Is there a way to send a notification after an event has been trigger to a specific endpoint?(other than mail) Basically like an auto-reply when someone creates a ticket/case but instead of receiving a notification notification by mail, send the notification…
  • want to insert into another module's Table.

    Hi Team, I have added a custom button on custom entity next to SAVE and CANCEL. On the click of custom button i want to pick some value from the FORM and want to insert into another module's Table. What is right way to achieve it. Thanks in advance. Regards…
  • Update data in response of SugarApiExceptionEditConflict

    We want to show custom data for selection on click of Save button. We have our logic in before_save logic hook. We are trying to throw SugarApiExceptionEditConflict but not able to pass data which we want to show for selection. Is any one know how to…
  • How to get current platform(base/mobile) in SugarCRM logic hook?

    In my sugarcrm logic hook i wanted to know the if the user is using mobile app or desktop browser. Is there any function available to get current user platform?
  • Are SugarBPM processes triggered before or after logic hooks?

    Hello All, I have a question about how the triggering of SugarBPM processes compares to the triggering of logic hooks. We have three before_save logic hooks in the Opportunities module that are indexed to run in a specific order. I'm considering replacing…
  • PHP 7.1 pitfalls for Logic Hooks

    While we introduced PHP 7.1 support in the Sugar 7.9.0 release back in May 2017, we have up until now continued to support PHP 5.6. But PHP 5’s days are numbered. We will be dropping support for PHP 5.6 in the Sugar 8 and Spring ‘18 releases. Sugar 8…
  • Sugar Notifications in Action

    Here is a guest post from Hatim Alam from BHEA , an Elite SugarCRM Partner, and is a certified Sugar Developer Specialist. Hatim shares some ideas for getting creative use out of Sugar Notifications. Share your own ideas in comments below! In this post…
  • Using server side changes to customize SugarCRM Mobile

    If you were at UnCon in April 2015 then you know that one of our hottest topics was plans for a SugarCRM Mobile SDK. Since mobile devices and mobile use cases are such a key part of what Customer Relationship Management and Customer Experience is today…
  • Can a logic hook send or receive data?

    I am trying to send an AJAX to a loogic hook to get the id of a newly created Case, but I am not getting an answer, also and I have been trying to do it by CURL towards another php but I am not getting any answer either, is this possible or not?. Thanks…
  • Custom API error message

    Hello to everybody, We need to control that some fields of type text only has numeric values (not ask why...) at both UI and API request level so when a regular user creates/edit a record and save it a popup tell them that they enter non numeric values…
  • How to fetch the details Accounts database table and list in an custom module

    Hi All I have a requirement of list the Accounts module details in an custom module and filters out the data. How to Create a custom module that fetch details from the Accounts module table in the same database ?
  • Filter records by created email address

    Looking for filter option on any module by created user's email address. As of now, i am able to filter by created user's id(system generated) and user's name. Thanks in advance
  • How to remove append contact multi email Save.

    How to remove or restrict multiple email insert in contact create . or I want to make Normal email field contact module. save only single email remove multi email save features or plus button. Thanks Mack
  • How to remove/disable by permanently sidebar pane (right side Dashboard) in Sugarcrm 9.1 from list view and Record View to all Module

    How to remove/disable by permanently sidebar pane (right side Dashboard) in Sugarcrm 9.1 from list view and Record View to all Module. sugar10. sugarcrm 9.1 developer preview developer
  • Unable to turn off TRACKER - support unable to help :(

    Hi everyone, We have a customer (on-site) using Ent 9.0.3, who must have their Tracker function in Sugar turned off (for compliance reasons). Using the checkboxes in Admin > Tracker doesn't stop the tracker from running. You can test yourself, it's still…
  • How to push data to external system using module logic hook

    Hi All, I need to know is it possible to push data from sugar to external system using logic hook .I know web logic hook i s enough to push data even though i have an special requirement to push data using logic hook. I like to know is it any way to achieve…
  • How to set a limit to the maximum number of users/employees ?

    Hi Forum, SugarCRM 6.5.20 I would like to set a limit to the number of users/employees that can be created in a given distribution. Is there a way that this can be achieved ? eg. If I set the limit to 50, when the administrator attempts to create the…
  • No valid themes are found on this instance

    I am using Sugar CRM version 6.5.7 on PHP 5.3.28. I have recently migrated this application from Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows 2016 Datacenter. The users on the application are getting this error randomly and there is no log for this particular exception…
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