• Can SugarBean access custom fields without using the "_c" ending?

    I have an after_save logic hook in a custom module where I'm setting the value of a field called rate_actual equal to the value of a custom field called engineer_rate_c . But, there is a typo in the code where I forgot the "_c" ending, like this: $bean…
  • Questions of Campaigns module API

    Hi, Everyone I want to get the mail tracker data in "Campaigns" action=TrackDetailView whit API , Is there any way to get these data whit API or in the logic hooks code ? Thanks for helping!
  • Send note file with email as attachment

    Hi, In case record i have an note record with file attachment under "Notes" subpanel. I need to send that file from note record with email as attachment. Currently the email is sending using ($mail = new SugarPHPMailer();) but how to attach that file…
  • Get id of sent email

    Hi, In after_save logichooks I used "$mail = new SugarPHPMailer();" for sending emails I need to get the ID of email which is sent. I tried to get id from "$mail->id" but its not working Basically I need to use email_id in this logic ( https://support…
  • How to remove a team from users->Access->My teams ?

    Hi All, I am trying to remove the global team from user's profile by the following code in logic hook //Retrieve the bean $bean = BeanFactory::getBean($module, $record_id); //Load the team relationship $bean->load_relationship('teams'); //Remove the teams…
  • Can a 'before' logic hook stop processing a bean

    Hi, I'm writing a logic hook to pre-process emails being imported via the SNIP email archiving feature. I'm using the before_email_import logic hook but I've also tested it for the more generic before_save logic hook in the emails module. Basically, I…
  • Do we have any specific API for sync object?

    Hi Team, We are in a requirement for sync the contact and account objects into our system. Our client is having millions of contacts, do we have any exclusive rest API(Bulk) for syncing the objects? Thanks in advance.
  • Calculate "status" dependent on a date field

    Hi! I got a date-field called "Valid until". If the date is overdue, the field "status" must be changed to " inactive ". How to achieve that? I am thinking about: 1) logic hook on before_save that checks the "Valid unitl" with "current date". This is…
  • Delete child entities record when we delete parent record from lead entity.

    we need to show confirmation box before deleting "Do you want to delete child record's too.!" with option "Yes" or "No", if user is willing to delete all child records as well. If user click "Yes", then only deletion of the child records should be done…
  • Integrating AWS Lambda to SugarCRM?

    whats a simple way to integrate aws lambda to SugarCRM?
  • Looking for advice on accomplishing a specific workflow/data relationship

    Hi. Trying to plan the best route of action to accomplish the following and need a little guidance. We have Accounts (e.g. Sample Credit Union) that each have their own production. The production data is exported from a third party platform, but the accounts…
  • How to Import Contacts and Link Account Name to Opportunity or Account Based on a Status Field

    Trying to wrap my head around the below issue and need a little guidance. Sugar 9.0 Professional OnDemand Our Flow: Leads (Called Unclaimed Leads in our instance) is a list of companies that fit our business model and have been pre-qualified by marketing…
  • Date when existing record get linked with target list of Campaign

    Is there any field which stores the date when existing record get linked with target list of Campaign
  • Help with Logic Hook to Create a New Account Record with Opportunity fields copied over Once Sales Stage = Closed Won

    Hi. I have been racking my head over this, and need a little guidance. I apologize if this question has already been answered elsewhere. I cannot find a solution that works for me. Our version: OnDemand 9.0 The goal is to create an Account record once…
  • How can i call yes/no popup when saving a contact

    I'm using the Community Edition of Sugarcrm. I want to present a yes/no popup, when the user push "Save" button on creating a new contact. For doing that i need to somehow call a javascript function/file when the button "Save" is pushed on the editview…
  • Relationship sequence in Create and Update

    Hi all, I am using SugarCRM Enterprise, Version 8.3.0 (Build 149) (Winter '19). I have developed custom action for workflow which contain following code. if ( $opportunityBean - > load_relationship ( 'contacts' ) ) { // $bean is object of Meeting $load…
  • Prevent deletion of some products

    Hello i want to disable delete or prevent them from deleting certain products in some module when user clicks delete button. Is there any experts who knows this ? Thanks in advance any help would be appreciated. found a sample code trying to put it together…
  • Guest relationship is being deleted when a user created a call on lead or contact record, so call is not showing up in call sub-panel upon creation of call

    Our users notified me that calls were "disappearing" from Sugar. On a hunch, I pulled a report showing any call that was not related to a contact or lead record (for reference, we directly work with individuals so we never relate calls to a company record…
  • Create custom email and send it to Email Queue

    Hello there We are using SugarCRM 6.5 CE and let me share a new functionality I am trying to add to my sugarcrm configuration. I am creating a new button that launches a process which reads a custom "status field" of all accounts, and for all those which…
  • Creating a logic hook, no PHP background, where to even start?

    Problem: Sales reps need to send periodic emails to clients (ie, when a client initially signs up, 3-month mark, 6-month mark, 9-month mark, 12-month mark). Sugar Support stated I would not be able to accomplish this using Advanced Workflow and suggested…
  • How can I share the code in 3 servers?

    Hello! The problem that I have right now is an Infrastructure level; I'm hosting on AWS a SugarCRM application and I have to replicate the code in 3 servers of an Autoscaling group on Amazon web services, What I'm using is EFS (elastic file system) or…
  • Adding user input into Edited field

    I want to add an edit function if user decides to change the field value but i cant seem to find the right way to do this. Ive tried searching through google but it doesn't give any answer related for this problem. code here: <?php class CloseTicket …
  • How to hide panel in SugarCRM 7.9 ?

    (Scenario 1) :- I want to hide panel in SugarCRM on based on user's department. If user's department is Accountant then I want to show subpanel and if not Accountant then I want to hide this panel. For this I have refer document https://support.sugarcrm…
  • What your favorite type of music to listen to while programing Sugar?

    personally I enjoy SomaFM Player just thought a fun thread would be a nice change for once.
  • Outlook plug-in subpanel cofiguration

    Hi, How would I be able to rename the labelling for the "Contacts" subpanel to "Personal Opportunities". The relationship seems to be configured correctly when you click the plus sign you get the "Create a Opportunity" window. Also is Hiding that module…
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