• change textfield to dropdown On-Demand instance

    Hi Guys, I would like to change the Billing Country field from 'Textfield' to 'Dropdown' on an on-demand instance. I have found some answers but are only applicable to an on-site instance. How can I do this? So far I have tried different php files using…
  • Cannot access case_number in after_save logic hook.  Null value

    I have an after_save logic hook that send's an email upon case creation. The $bean param from this function shows a 'null' case_number value, so I figured I would just grab the id and make another call to retrieve the case bean which you can see below…
  • How to update the documents_account table from REST api

    When upload document for certain account, the documents_accounts table stores both account id and document id. When upload the file from REST api, need to store the account_id and document_id in document_accounts table, but i can't store those values…
  • SugarCRM 7.6  Dashlet Graphs related to contact being viewed, how?

    Hi, In a bit of a pickle; i know dash-lets can be used across different modules including custom modules. however i cant figure out how to get the dash-let graphs/lists to target the modules relationship. For example, i want to track a contacts statistics…
  • connect to sugarcrm and get some data in my custom php file

    I made in new custom php file lets say e.g sample.php placed in root folder accessing it through a ajax call in any module but i am not able to connect to database or perform any operation. How to do that anyone can help?
  • My custom module is breaking the Calendar with "Error while saving"

    Hi, I created a custom module with a manifest and a after_ui_footer logic hook. Each time I install my module it's working fine, but the calendar is throwing "Error while saving". I've tried a couple of things but I don't know why I have this message…
  • Where is sorting customization for header bar arrows in list view located?

    We are trying to move to a new virtualized server. I have changed no code and only the MySQL version has change from 5.5 to 5.1 Now the sorting arrows in the list view header in one of the custom modules doesn't work. I am trying to find where any customization…
  • how to prevent module editing depending on status 'Completed'

    I am a beginner on Sugar... My target is prevent module editing. I wrote down ......this.$('.record-edit-link-wrapper').remove(); and it works.... but i want to disabled icon-pencil (it is my biggest problem) on each field ....In order to prevent editing…
  • display data stored in one module in another module

    I have address field which is stored in accounts module while creating the account. Here what I want is this address field should reflect in all modules can any one clearly explain me about this query .thanks in advance.
  • How would you add multiple views.edit.php and then choose it with a create-actions.js? 7.5.x

    Hi, I would like to know how to create multiple views when editing a Lead. We Got a Lead "prospectos" module that is used in multiple places. I add a relation to another module "user" from which i want to create a new Lead record but i want to add and…
  • why the pages are in blank?

    why the pages are in blank? php.ini PHP Fatal error: Tracker::get_recently_viewed(): The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition "BreadCrumbStack" of the object you are trying…
  • Modifying inbound email

    I am trying to manipulate inbound email (on group email) using a before-save logic hook. The manipulation logic seems to work (I have logs that show successful replacement of text) but is not saved to database, the original text is what shows up in the…
  • Manipulating Teams Programatically

    In the v6.5 and v6.7 Developer Guides, there was a page for Manipulating Teams Programatically in a Logic Hook or Job Queue. I'm going to assume this still works in v7x, but is there a better way?
  • Swap Users for invitees subpanel on meetings details view or add it

    I am trying to add a subpanel in the meetings details view that pulls the invitees for a meeting. I see that there are Users in a subpanel for meetings but I need to see the contacts/leads that I invited to a meeting. I am running sugarcrm community edition…
  • After Retrieve Logic Hook is running multiple times in a loop

    Hi, How to prevent after retrieve logic hook from executing more than once. I tried session variables, static variable for locking but of nothing happened. Thanks.
  • When duplicating a record also duplicate related records

    When I duplicate a record I also want to duplicate related records In 6.5 this was fairly simple I did it using an after save logig hook I checked for $_REQUEST['duplicateId'] and $_REQUEST['module'] == 'zz_expenses_head') But this doesn't work in 7 I…
  • How to dynamically create a record in a custom module from an inbound email?

    Hi All SugarCRM Experts, I am able to create a case successfully on an inbound email for a group account by enable Enable "Create Case from Email" in advance set up, Instead of create a case, i want to create a record in custom module for this where can…
  • Where to find default texts for system generated emails

    Hi folks, my boss provided a new task for my SugarCRM 6.5.20 (Build 1001) CE project. It's a while ago now I'd created a customlogic.php for Opportunity and Task for the following cases: An Opportunity gets assigned to an Account- or to one or several…
  • How do I access tax rates in the bean or the database?

    I'm using SugarCRM Professional, Version I can see tax rates on the front end, I'd like to write a logic hook that makes use of them, but I can't find any documentation for how to access it in the bean or where it is linked to products or quotes…
  • How do you autopopulate a related field in custom module from a related field of another module?

    I'm fighting against this issue since a couple of weeks and I can't figure out a way to do that. I have a custom module for the orders management and I need to produce invoices automatically. I'm following the example of 'ConverToInvoice.php' from Quotes…
  • Unable to  add invitees to meeting created from Logic Hook

    I'm trying to create a meeting when a Campaign is approved. And the meeting should be visible to all users in their calendar. I've been struggling trying to finish this. I'm able to create the meeting but I'm not able to add users to the meeting at all…
  • How to update a field in an after_save logic hook?

    Hello all, I have created a custom field to hold an autoincrement value for each record in the module. This works ok. I would like to use this number as a part of the name of the record. So, I have created a logic_hook based on the after_save event. Unfortunately…
  • Why is the email1 field empty when retrieving a user using retrieve_by_string_fields()?

    Why does $user-> retrieve_by_string_fields() is finding the user but with an empty email1 field? i need to retrieve a user and then update it using save(). i noticed that each time i do that, the email1 is deleted. so i checked the user email1 field and…
  • Popup alert does not display when triggered by logic hook

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to do a simple thing in sugar : check if the assigned user already have a meeting when saving a new one on the same date/hours. So, i've got a before_save logic hook which check if the assigned user already have meetings. It…
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