How to fetch the details Accounts database table and list in an custom module

Hi All

I have a requirement of list the Accounts module details in an custom module and  filters out the data.

How to Create a custom module that fetch details from the Accounts module table in the same database ?

  • Hi Sino Thomas,

    If you have custom relationship between Accounts and custom module, you can write a logic in create.js in this path custom/modules/CustommoduleName/clients/base/views/create/create.js

    You can write a logic like on relating account record to this custom module fetch the accounts bean in js, so you can get all the account related fields and you can set it to any field as per your requirement in the custom module. This is at js level on UI.So on selecting the account in the create page all the fields will be visible.

    Hope this helps!!. Let me know if you are looking for something different.

  • What data are we talking about. Can't this be done by creating a specified report for the Accounts module?