• Using Process Definition to post data to external REST API

    I would like to use the process definition to post data to an external REST API and update other data in my company's system. We want to avoid pulling this information. Is this possible?
  • User Module not available in SugarBPM / Process Definitions?

    Hi, im really shocked 'cause it seems, that the user module is not available in SugarBPM. My idea was: Sending a Mail to the user where a specific field value is set or changed. For example: If the user field is "active" an email will be send to…
  • SugarBPM: Start Event Relationship Change not working via REST?

    Hello, I would like to implement a process that starts when a new ticket is attached to a lead. The relationship change event also works when I link a ticket to the lead via the UI. However, we also have a REST interface running that does just that…
  • Record URL in BPM Process email templates for clickable images?

    Hello Sugar lovers! I'm trying to pimp my customer's email reminders by using images. I'd like to make some of them clickable and send the user to the record page. The use case is a reminder to provide a meeting report. The issue is that the tag I…
  • Sugar 12.3 Process Email Templates populating a dynamic table

    Has anyone been able to create a Email Template where you are populating a dynamic table that might have a single records or multiple records? I am working on a Quote approval letter to be sent to the customer.
  • We would like to send an email via SugarBPM only if today is a weekday

    We have a requirement to only send a notification if the date is a weekday. If it is not a weekday wait 1 day and try again. How can I add a check to see if today is a weekday?
  • SugarBPM Business Rules - Enhance the display for dropdown selection in a proper way ?

    Hello, we are probably not the only one to facing the issues with SugarBPM Business Rules screen when you are manipulating dropdown with "long" label. As you can see on the screen shot bellow, the selected record AND the dropdown element picker…
  • Remove a team via SugarBPM?

    Hi there, I have a scenario in which access to a record depends on a field of said record. In Sugar 12.0, I've created a BPM that triggers upon creation of update (if that field changes). I am able to add the "global" team if condition A is met, and…
  • Call campaigns / Intelligently mass create call records via SugarBPM

    Hello Sugar Lovers! I've recently worked on a request that I've had several times: allow teams to manage outbound call campaigns. Scenario: An account list is prepared based on a report (eg. complex criteria). Users need to track who they called…
  • Date and age-based alerts: SugarBPM or scheduled job?

    Hello Sugar lovers! We're getting more and more requirements to perform actions after a date or age has been reached: sleeping opportunities, renewal reminders, escalate accounts without activity... These generally cannot be solved by a report (dashboard…
  • First response not calculated

    Hello everybody! My team and I wanted to use the First Response fields that are available in Sugar 10. We were planning to use it to get a better view of SLAs and deliver better customer experience. Following the documentation we found that Business…
  • Setting Field Based On Another Field

    I am trying to set a field based on the value of another field in the same module. I've set up a Business Rule that shows the mapping of one field to the value that the other field should have. Then I have a simple Business Process that evaluates the…
  • Has anyone done the connection with AWS Lambda?

    After creating a record we need to run a function in AWS Lambda, sending a special payload. I see that in the composer.json I have access to the AWS SDK for PHP in version 3. I was thinking of occupying a custom SugarBPM node for this task, I am hesitating…
  • Is it possible to add a link of the corresponding Sugar BPM process to a process email template?

    Hello, we would like to notify users on new processes by email and allow them to directly jump into the process. Right now we can only link them to their dashboard/process list and have them click through the view. So right now i do not see a way…
  • Using SugarBPM to change child Teams?

    Is it possible to use SugarBPM to update the teams of child records? For example, we have changed the team (i.e., region) that supports an account, we would like all of the related contacts to also be updated. We have a company, an EV Automobile company…
  • SugarBPM Changing Parent Record After Subpanel Task Create Displays "Unsaved Changes" Message

    I am attempting to implement the Capturing a Record's Last Activity Date Using Workflows in SugarBPM. I'm wondering if others have or have encountered the following problem when changing data in a SugarBPM process. I’ve identified an issue with our…
  • Is there a way to disable update to Date Modified / Modified By when using SugarBPM Action Change Fields?

    I am implementing a version of Capturing a Record's Last Activity Date Using Workflows using SugarBPM but I don't want the Account / Contact record to have it's Date Modified / Modified By changed when the SugarBPM process updates the Account/Contact…
  • Best practice for trigger a process definition after a long period of time.

    Hello, I hope you are all well. I have a request from my business to update a field on the contact record after 120 days, simple enough, so I thought. My first thought was to create a Process Definition to look for the event and wait 120 days. But I had…
  • How to reopen a case automatically when a new email is received(using Process Definitions)?

    Hi, I'm using Sugar 8.0.3 Enterprise, how can i re-open an existing closed case(Status: Closed) when a new email imported via email to case functionality has the matching Case Number[Case Macro] on the subject ? I note that Emails is not a module…
  • 10.0.1 - Issue with BPM Workflows that are triggered once

    Hello everybody, we got a weird issue with the 10.0.1 enterprise edition (that can not be reproduced on a 10.0.0 on site or 10.1.0 cloud). I got a new module call "SUBMISSION" ; a Submission is linked to multiple ANSWERS (also a new module). For…
  • Roll-up RLI Product Category Values to Opportunity Multiselect

    We would like a field on our Opportunity record that reflects all of the Product Category values on related Revenue Line Items. For instance, for an Opportunity with 2 Revenue Line Items, if a "WP" Product Category was on 1 Revenue Line Item and "EC"…
  • Setting New Opportunity Revenue Line Item Assigned To and Teams

    When creating a new Opportunity (Opp), the Revenue Line Item (RLI) is also created at the same time. Currently, the RLI Assigned To and Teams are set to the values of the person creating the records, but we would like the RLI Assigned To and Teams to…
  • Accessing Email Address Field in SugarBPM

    I have created a SugarBPM process that when Leads with certain Lead Sources are created, an email is sent to the Lead letting them know that someone will be in touch with them shortly. I would like to add to the process a check on the Email Address…
  • Import Business Rules From Spreadsheet

    Has anyone come across a tool that will create a Process Business Rule from a CSV file? We are looking to assign Leads based on ZIP Codes and entering thousands of ZIP Codes through the UI will be very time consuming.
  • Are SugarBPM processes triggered before or after logic hooks?

    Hello All, I have a question about how the triggering of SugarBPM processes compares to the triggering of logic hooks. We have three before_save logic hooks in the Opportunities module that are indexed to run in a specific order. I'm considering replacing…
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