Accessing Email Address Field in SugarBPM

I have created a SugarBPM process that when Leads with certain Lead Sources are created, an email is sent to the Lead letting them know that someone will be in touch with them shortly.

I would like to add to the process a check on the Email Address field to verify it has a value. If not, I want to send an email to the Assigned To user that they need to contact the Lead and obtain the Email Address. The Email Address is not available in the list of fields for the Lead. Can anyone at Sugar let me know why this is not included in the list?

I know I could make a calculated text field and set it equal to the Email Address field but I would prefer to not have to do that.

  • I don't have an official "why", but here's my guess as to the "why not yet": Email Addresses have a special schema to manage primary, opt out, invalid and multiple addresses for a given lead. So despite it being displayed as a 'field', it is a little more complex than that under the covers. So I would imagine that the default implementation of anything requires a little bit of extra work to assess/check the values in that 'field', particularly as checking the value of that field is non-trivial when you are actually doing a conditional where. Historically, Sugar has only allowed interaction with the primary email address through most of its features.. but I know I personally have had use cases requiring interaction with valid non-primary addresses too, and have wished that we could. Perhaps the goal is to ensure that when the ability to interact with the field is there, it is implemented in such a way that covers those additional use cases too, and is not just fixed to the primary one? Just a guess on that one though!

    You already know the answer which I would have otherwise suggested :)

  • And email1 has been deprecated so that is not an option.