Is there a way to disable update to Date Modified / Modified By when using SugarBPM Action Change Fields?

I am implementing a version of Capturing a Record's Last Activity Date Using Workflows using SugarBPM but I don't want the Account / Contact record to have it's Date Modified / Modified By changed when the SugarBPM process updates the Account/Contact Last Activity Date. 

My workaround for making similar kind of "administrative" record changes via Import is to export the Date Modified / Modified By for records I'm going to import and then using those values in the import. I looked in SugarBPM / Action / Change Fields, but there is no way to set the Account/Contact Date Modified / Modified By fields. 


  • Hello Vince,

    Using a custom module related to Contac/Account as 1:1 for storing data collected should be of help when trying to avoid  Date Modified / Modified By autoupdate for Contact/Account record on any Contact/Account field change


    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient