scheduler not working ..
scheduler job Log is done every minutes ..
But Last Successful Run: Never
scheduler not working ..
scheduler job Log is done every minutes ..
But Last Successful Run: Never
Hi Tevfik Tümer
Yes i have run query and all job log resolution = failure
and message is Unexpected failure, please check PHP logs and sugarcrm.log
i have check in sugarcrm.log then its showing like
Sat Jun 18 11:35:02 2016 [8437][1be12921-1281-a1d1-30ad-503c788923c3][FATAL] Job 96d8d4c9-193d-a175-7cb9-5764e4121c2f (Process Workflow Tasks) failed in CRON run
what can i do ??
Hi Mehul,
which SugarCRM Version (Edition and Version number) are you running? On which Webserver and PHP version?
Sugar Professional 6.5
webserver - apache
php 5.5.9
Sugarcrm.log not showing any problem .. only showing error like below.
Sat Jun 18 11:35:02 2016 [8437][1be12921-1281-a1d1-30ad-503c788923c3][FATAL] Job 96d8d4c9-193d-a175-7cb9-5764e4121c2f (Process Workflow Tasks) failed in CRON run
Hi Mehul,
there you have the problem - your PHP version is not supported by SugarCRM 6.5 (see http://support.sugarcrm.com/Resources/Supported_Platforms/Sugar_6.5.x_Supported_Platforms/index.html ), and while SugarCRM's WebGUI is running mostly without problems with higher versions, under-the-hood functionality like scheduler jobs can fail.
Please move to a supported platform and test again.
Hi Mark Willert
Thanks for reply .. but another instance with same version is running successfully .
any other solution ??
Hi Mehul,
I see your updates about this issue. Did you have chance to check your PHP Error log?
ttuemer wrote:
Hi Mehul,
What do you see in PHP Error log?
Best Regards
Tevfik Tümer
Developer Support Engineer
In case if you don't see any error log. Please check your php.ini to have error_log file and error_reporting on with E_ALL
Here is the documentation for this. PHP: Runtime Configuration - Manual
When you get that error message you have to have a log line in php_error logs. (Not in sugarcrm.log) That has to give you the problem.
I will be waiting your message.
Best Regards
Tevfik Tümer
Developer Support Engineer
Hi Mehul,
it might run one way or the other, but you cannot take anything for granted unless you use the supported stack.
next step is to verify file access rights and owner/group. Under which user do you run the Cronjob? It should be the same the webserver is running with (apache on RPM distributions and www-data on DEB-based ones as a rule of thumb).
Alternatively, if you are using Sugar Pro, you can always rise a support case at https://support.sugarcrm.com (they also will require you to stay in the supported stack as requirement to receive support).