• Why Crons doesn't run?

    Hello everyone! Someone knows why all my crons doens't runs automatically? None cron register activity, althougt is configured with an execution minimun interval. I added this line: $sugar_config['cron']['min_cron_interval'] = 0; on my config_override…
  • How to run crons from code

    Hello everyone! Someone knows if is possible run the crons from code? My case: I have a job that executes all days to respective hour, this job create a specific file with data of some module; but sometime the user could add wrong data to some records…
  • Move files with a custom scheduler job

    Hello Everyone, I have a script that transfers data from csv files to sugarcrm. Everything works properly except that I want to move the files after being successfully processed from folder "Queue" to folder "Processed". function move_file_to_proccessed…
  • Setting up Cron Jobs

    I am trying to run Scheduled jobs on a local instance of Sugar. I have my local instance of Sugar running in a vagrant virtualbox. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to set up the cron on a virtualbox? Thanks!
  • Not able to run scheduled job from sugarcrm scheduler.

    Not able to run scheduled job from sugarcrm scheduler. sugarcrm on premise 7.7 I am able to run job using php.exe -f cron.php command. Please help. Its very urgent
  • Schedule report not received and found error log

    Have scheduled a report but i am not getting mail and attachment, when checked logs found below error, can someone help to resolve this. Below error is found in cron.php file when I logged errors. PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Report::getFieldValue…
  • scheduler Problem - Last successful never

    Hi, scheduler not working .. scheduler job Log is done every minutes .. But Last Successful Run: Never ?? Tevfik Tümer
  • Setup CRON job where I can use SugarCRM framework

    Hello, I need to create a script that runs every day, grabs emails from inbox, parses these, and if it finds the info needed, duplicates some entries in SugarCRM, sets some fields etc. I need to use the SugarCRM framework, code like: $account = new Account…