• How do I Stop Hint jobs? We don't have Hint and it's a waste of resources to run them.

    As far as I know Hint is licensed separately from Sugar Enterprise and we don't have Hint. Yet there are three Hint jobs that repeatedly run: Hint Init Job -> status done, success with message: "Hint init: license was not found" Hint Register Config…
  • Schedule Jobs ordering and delay jobs

    Hi Guys, I have been looking into schedule jobs and I could not find what order they are executed or if there an mechanisms that can tell Sugar that job x only can be executed when job 1 was executed 1st. I have look into the documentation and there…
  • How to execute a scheduler at a random interval?

    There is a scheduler, Prune Old Record Lists , https://support.sugarcrm.com/documentation/sugar_versions/13.0/serve/administration_guide/system/schedulers/#Prune_Old_Record_Lists which executes As Often As Possible. This scheduler will execute "optimize…
  • Grant access to Schedulers via Role or ACL?

    We would like to grant a user access to Schedulers without granting them access to All of the administration. Thoughts? This doesn't seem to work. (function (app) { app.events.on("app:sync:complete", function () { if (app.user.get('type') != 'admin…
  • Execution of Schedulers in UTC?

    Schedulers execute based on the timezone associated with the System Administrator. If we set a Scheduler to be executed at Min: 30 Hour: 06 Date: * Month: * Day: 1-5 This means this should be executed at 6:30 a.m. Monday - Friday. However…
  • (Elasticsearch Queue Scheduler) failed in CRON run, no such index

    I am seeing this error in my sugarcrm.log, anyone know what might be causing this? "Job c6759e5c-1f10-11ed-889b-08002739f7af (Elasticsearch Queue Scheduler) failed in CRON run, no such index [95152e7188d364b5d185954f0950adae_contacts] [index: 95152e7188d364b5d185954f0950adae_contacts…
  • (Elasticsearch Queue Scheduler) failed in CRON run, Undefined constant "Sugarcrm\Sugarcrm\Elasticsearch\Adapter\CURLOPT_USERAGENT"

    This is concerning a local development environment, running in a vagrant VM sugarcrm/php80es716 with Sugar Sell 12.0.0. I have setup the scheduler cron job, but I am getting "(Elasticsearch Queue Scheduler) failed in CRON run, Undefined constant "Sugarcrm…
  • Introduction to the Sugar Frameworks

    My latest post on the 4 Sugar Frameworks can be found at sugarcrm.substack.com/.../sugar-framework
  • How to get Scheduler details while a Job running?

    Hi, I have a custom scheduler and for which I have a created a scheduler job. I want to read the fields like Job URL, Status, Interval, etc from Job record in the custom scheduler code as I need to manipulate one of these field while the job is running…
  • Move files with a custom scheduler job

    Hello Everyone, I have a script that transfers data from csv files to sugarcrm. Everything works properly except that I want to move the files after being successfully processed from folder "Queue" to folder "Processed". function move_file_to_proccessed…
  • Does any one knows why the record is not saved but the Audit shows the data has changed?

    Hi All, I have a Question that puzzles me very rarely this happen but does happen!!! So!, the record is not updated but the audit is recording it and cannot find anything that tells was an error? Does anyone know what is the ordering of saving data…
  • MySQL error 1062: Duplicate entry ' ' for key 'PRIMARY'

    I am getting a MySQL error regarding a duplicate entry when using the following code. <?php array_push($job_strings, 'list_refresh'); function list_refresh() // This function adds any new contacts on present day into the target list, runs daily. { $db…
  • JS errors in local installation

    Hi All, I've just upgraded my local Sugar instance (on vagrant VM) from 8.2 to 8.3. I'm now seeing JS errors when I open the Scheduler list view in Admin, as shown in the image below. When I click on a scheduled job record, it opens with a new set of…
  • Scheduler job doesn't execute my php changes

    Hi, I work with sugar pro 7.6 and I want to execute a custom job which checks the status of the contracts and does something. I correctly setup my batch file (following the documentation instructions) for the execution of the scheduled job and the file…
  • how to schedule custom date difference calculation

    Previously we would have used workflows for some of this. But they will be deprecated next year. And they only update on save, and would not calculate things that we want, each day. So we need to use a scheduled task. The goal is to create pretty funnels…
  • scheduler Problem - Last successful never

    Hi, scheduler not working .. scheduler job Log is done every minutes .. But Last Successful Run: Never ?? Tevfik Tümer