Hello Team,
I'm creating a plugin for a custom requirement, and for this, I need unique session storage(let's say tabID) on each tab. but session storage is behaving very strange with SugarCRM while in normal Html is it behaving correctly.
For example, SugarCRM is also using a session storage variable 'pendo_tabId'. I checked this variable in two case
- When I open a new tab by clicking right click and open link in a new tab, and on the new tab when I'm checking in browser console/application/session storage, pendo_tabId is showing a unique value which is different from the previous tab.
- But when I open a new tab by clicking ctrl+click on a link, and a new tab is opened. But this time, in-browser console/application/session storage, pendo_tabId is showing the same value which is the same as the previous tab, it is not showing unique value.
While in normal HTML, it is behaving correctly. Please have a look at this and please tell me why it is not showing unique session storage on above both cases and how can I use unique session storage on different-2 sugar tabs.