• how do I get curren contacts module record.js for upgrade version 9.0.1 to 9.0.6 ?

    [2024-07-09T07:07:03+00:00] INFO => F: [Issue 110][red][useOfAppViewInvokeParent][562][useOfAppViewInvokeParent] Use of removed Sidecar app.view.invokeParent method in custom/modules/Accounts/clients/base/views/recordlist/recordlist.js ({ extendsFrom…
  • Anyway to refresh the Quote screen when adding Product?

    Hi everyone. I'm trying to refresh the quote screen once a new product line is added. I can "force" this change by adding a checkbox and once that checkbox is ticked then it runs this.model.fetch(); which works fine. However I want to automate this…
  • Missing Action Dropdown after search something on the search box in list view

    Before searching anything on the search bar action dropdown is visible as shown below Screenshot but After searching anything on the search bar it hides automatically as shown below. So from where I can fix this.
  • How to use onchange event in hbs file ?

    Hi There, I have two drop down list in hbs template. I have to show the 2nd drop down options based on selection of 1st drop down. For ex: my 1st drop down is state and 2nd is city, On selection of state , city dropdown options should list based on…
  • getting duplicate session storage in sugacrm

    Hello Team, I'm creating a plugin for a custom requirement, and for this, I need unique session storage(let's say tabID) on each tab. but session storage is behaving very strange with SugarCRM while in normal Html is it behaving correctly. For example…
  • Console Errors 401,412

    Dear All, I am Getting In console multiple times error 401 and error 412 any one have any suggestion regarding same issue. Thanks
  • BeanCollection not in Sugar documentation

    I'd like to bring attention to a Sidecar function called createBeanCollection . I found it to be very useful for loading multiple Sugar records from a single module, as described well in Angel Magana's blog . The problem is that it is not mentioned in…
  • Get all records from a filter in listview

    Hi people. I am following the following tutorial Tutorial Dashlet listView , to create a Dashlet that allows me to capture the records in the list view depending on the filter. No problem so far. The question is, when they exceed the 20 records that the…
  • Create call via js

    Hi, I have function to create call via js in phone.js but it didn't work. I saw in network tab wait for about 1 or 2 minutes then it return all my 20 calls, not create a new one. Can anyone help me to fix my code? // this.getPID is case id closeClicked…
  • possible to override specific functions of a client js Views/Models without completely overriding the component?

    v7.7.0 I need to add some additional functionality to a client js View (/sugarcrm/modules/Emails/clients/base/views/compose/compose.js) on one of the methods. Is it possible to override a single method of this View without completely overriding it? I…
  • How can I get value in config_override.php via js

    Hi all, I would like to get parameters in config_override.php pass into .hbs via js controller I try with this code below but doesn't work. var custom = app.lang.getAppListStrings('custom_value'); this.testData = custom; then return: [object Object]…