• Using SugarCRM REST Authentication with Postman

    SugarCRM REST authentication does not fit in to any of the authentication options built in to Postman and this can be a barrier for teams that rely on Postman to explore REST APIs. These steps will help get a working authentication setup for SugarCRM…
  • For API customization in SugarCRM

    Dear All, I want to customized Some input received in Sugar by Default API . How can I customized if ? And Also share the path of default API in SugarCRM used. For Example :- I have share a case crate API with portal user and I received regularly in…
  • What is the correct syntax for filtering with filter_id and other conditions?

    Hi, When using the Sugar REST API, there is an endpoint /filter that allows you to filter a module based on some given conditions. support.sugarcrm.com/.../ The use case I have is that I need to filter a module by a filter_id and add some additional…
  • requesting additional fields in ProductTemplates/GET

    Currently I am trying to export a JSON file of all my products from Product Templates using the following Endpoint , I do receive the basic parameters expected which is ID, Data, state and index. My products contain additional fields like Price, quantity…
  • How to retrieve related record details in GET REST Method?

    Hi everyone. I am making the following query: { "filter": [ { "$and": [ { "send_to_dimensions_c" : 1 }, { "a_project_code" : {"$is_null": "a_project_code"} } ] } ], "fields": [ "id", "name", "database_c", "team_id…
  • Error requesting access token API-REST

    Good Afternoon, Requesting your support with the following topic: We create an integration with SugaCRM through an API-REST. The detail is that we are trying to obtain an authentication token from SugarCRM with the endpoint /rest/v11/oauth2/token using…
  • Error requesting access token API-REST

    Good Afternoon, Requesting your support with the following topic: We create an integration with SugaCRM through an API-REST. The detail is that we are trying to obtain an authentication token from SugarCRM with the endpoint /rest/v11/oauth2/token using…
  • How to remove a team via REST API?

    Hi everyone. I'm trying to remove a team via the Rest API but am having problems with doing so. As far as I can tell the "correct" endpoint would be https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_12.0/Integration/Web_Services…
  • 422 unprocessable entity on get_entry_list (record_list)

    Hiya, I have recently been having an issue with my python program, I have been trying to retrieve a record list which you can read about here or what is defined as "get_entry_list" in the doccumetation so I can then use the ID to proceed with a export…
  • export failiure - Could not find a handler for the path specified in the request.

    Hiya, Upon trying to export my Product Templates into a csv file sugarcrm using the get request below export = a.get('.../rest/v11_8/ProductTemplates/export/' + exportline + '?platform=base',allow_redirects=True, headers = headers) os.remove(r…
  • REST API: The cloud instance is returning “500 Internal Server Error” when accessing the “/Employees GET” and “/Users GET” endpoints and specifying multiple fields via the “fields” URL parameter

    Only when accessing the “/Employees GET” and “/Users GET” endpoints and specifying almost all the available fields via the “fields” URL parameter, the server is responding with the “500 Internal Server Error”. No additional information is provided. …
  • Doubts regarding /Documents/:record/file/:field POST endpoint

    Can anyone please tell how to hit /Documents/:record/file/:field POST endpoint using Postman? It uses following payload scheme: { "format":"sugar-html-json", "delete_if_fails":true, "oauth_token":"43b6b327-cc70-c301-3299-512ffb99ad97", " <attachment…
  • getting duplicate session storage in sugacrm

    Hello Team, I'm creating a plugin for a custom requirement, and for this, I need unique session storage(let's say tabID) on each tab. but session storage is behaving very strange with SugarCRM while in normal Html is it behaving correctly. For example…
  • set_note_attachment method returns "id: -1"

    I'm trying to add an attachment to a note using the set_note_attachment method. I'm calling the REST API from a .NET Core WebAPI. I can already login and create notes without any issue, but when I call the set_note_attachment it returns { "id": "-1" …
  • v10 API call for /Mail/attachment POST syntax

    Francesca Shiekh directing this straight to you as I believe you could assist, but asking for anyone else in the community for assistance. We are trying to use v10 API call for /Mail/attachment POST (i.e. {"email_attachment":"@\/path\/to\/ExampleDocument…
  • Which platform to use for REST API? Also questions about PHP codes and extending endpoints.

    Hello, I am in the final stages of connecting SugarCRM to our website using the REST API. There seems to be a small problem using the platform. I am using the platform "base" and it seems to be causing problems, and the website logs out when I try using…
  • Create an account by REST API without sending user assigned notification

    Hello There is something equivalent to the php version of $bean->save(false); to avoid user email notificacion by API REST Calls? Or some variable flag on the json of rest/v10/Accounts POST? Something like the last part of this fake json example { "id…
  • Client ID and Client Secret for production environment

    Hello, I have been using the client_id as "sugar" and no client_secret for connecting with SugarCRM during development. Can I use that for our production environment too? I see that there are options to add new client_id and client_secret, but I see that…
  • Integrating SugarCRM with website. Question about urls

    Hello, After almost finishing up the integration of SugarCRM with our website, I'm back to square one due to some doubts. For the site_url given in the endpoints, I'm currently using the url for the trial account that I created. I'm guessing that when…
  • Questions regarding custom modules and custom views in REST API

    Hi, I am integrating SugarCRM into our product. I'm done with most of the functionalities but still stuck in a few areas related to custom modules and custom views. Any help would be really appreciated. Here are the questions: About custom modules, How…
  • REST API, send Sugarcrm data to an other application

    hi everyone, I'm new on sugraCRM, i need to send data via URL to external application to send phone number of contact, can you give me simple example to coding this need, the curl : www.url.com/api/callinglistaddrecord.json?dbid=1&number=1888140000&custom…
  • create custom field in sugarcrm database and get that value using REST

    Hi I just created a custom field in in database(in user table, i don't know it is good way or not), now i want to get the custom field value using REST api,all value are retrieving except my custom field. Below is my rest api params $get_entries_parameters…
  • Aaccess records through Many to Many relation.

    Hi, I use the default Many-to-Many relation between the Contacts module and the Documents module to store documents related with each contact records. I need to access documents related to a particular Contact record through REST api code. I use Ruby…
  • Extending API method

    Hi all, I have to extend saveFilePost in clients/base/api/FileApi.php, looking at https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_7.7/Integration/Web_Services/v10/Extend… seems so simple. In my case I have put in custom…
  • How to put date_start parameters via REST got error Did not recognize date_start

    Hi all, I created Calls via REST v10 I copy format of start_date from database. but always return error message. stdClass Object ( [error] => invalid_parameter [error_message] => Did not recognize date_start as a date/time, it looked like 2016-05-19…
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