• How can I make inline_edit field dynamic?

    Hi All, Currently, I am working on functionality where I need to add a new field in the accounts detail and edit page. I have added a new field on both pages. Now, this field should be editable only to system admin users and not to regular users. I…
  • custom where for custom dashlet not working 6.5

    I am following this guide , I followed every step but my problem is that this part of the code is not working as expected: MyTasksUntilNowDashlet.php function process($lvsParams = array()) { global $timedate, $current_user; $format = $timedate->get_date_time_format…
  • How to get the field from another module and display it into a different module?

    I know about the relationship but they only get the primary field, not the other fields. For example, I have two modules, module 1 holds the personal information of the user while module 2 let us say holds the person's activities. in module 2 I would…
  • set_relationship returns 500 in v7.11. Is backward compatibility not supported?

    My use case is simple. I'm creating a Contact, I'm creating a Case and I associate that Case with the contact. When we initially built the integration, only api v4_1 was available. When use API Key of SugarCRM v7.11, Contact creation and Case creation…
  • Relate field values(ID) not getting Saved

    I have a custom module with relate fields, modules where deployed using module loader on a SugarCRM 6.5 installation They show up okay in the edit view, but upon saving.. i get the smarty error below Fatal error : Smarty error: [in cache/modules/rating…
  • How to change dateformat of datepicker v6.5CE?

    How can I change this? Currently, it is m/d/Y and I want to turn it into Y-m-d Thank you
  • Does anyone know any open source or paid chat modules for SugarCRM v6.5?

    We're looking to integrate a chat module in our SugarCRM and so far I've seen some livechat support which is not what we want as we would like to only have an internal chat module (like facebook that doesn't need to use an entire page for chat). I've…
  • SugarCRM 6.5 connector to Xero

    I'm wondering if anyone can provide me with a connector for Xero from SugarCRM, and if anyone can create one for a fixed price?
  • Reason why basic search or advance search is not working on a new custom module?

    Is there anything I need to check or configure to make sure that the search will work? By search I am not referring to global search but instead on the basic and advance search for the module.
  • custom email code not sending returns false

    $link = '<a href=" http://'.$root_url.'/index.php?module=CB_SupportTickets&action=DetailView&record='.$bean- >id.'"/> Click Here</a>'; $emailObj = new Email(); $defaults = $emailObj->getSystemDefaultEmail(); $mail = new SugarPHPMailer(); $mail->setMailerForSystem…
  • How to add an option in the action menu of contract module listview

    Hi, I use sugarcrm 7.6 and I want to add an option in the action menu of the contracts listview. Contracts has the old version of the user interface and I can't use the new method for 7.6 to add the options. I try to follow this page: https://developer…
  • can I apply an after save hook for a sub panel?

    I want to do an after save hook for a sub panel, I tried adding it like what you would do for the main module but when I tried in when it in the sub panel it didn't work, but when I tried it using its main module it did work. So I'm guessing there is…
  • how to get the recently added bean id in after save logic hooks?

    I would like to retrieve the most recent id of an inserted data inside the after save method of logic hooks. How should I proceed with this? Thank you
  • how to implement round robin assignment in different modules for sugarcrm 6.5?

    I want to use the round robin assignment of SugarCRM for a different module, but I can't seem to find it in my admin menu, where does it usually hide for version 6.5 and how can I apply to it to a different module?
  • how to make a field required when it cannot be found in studio as it is a product of relationship?

    I created a new module that has a relationship with two other modules. One of the module lets call eating, the other let's call drinking. My module let's call it paying. Now my module paying has a one-to-one relationship with eating, and many-to-one relationship…
  • how to add custom javascript to compose page of email module in sugarcrm v6.5?

    How can I add a new custom javascript to the email module during the compose action without using any logic hooks? I tried using logic hooks but it gives me errors so I would like to know if there are other alternatives. thank you
  • Custom js script code giving jquery is not defined error in editviewdef

    Hi All In editviewdef am including js file and when am writing my script am getting Jquery is not defined error. I even tried with Jquery noConflict but no use same error am getting. By default jquery library will be include but for my custom js its not…
  • How to perform custom groupby and orderby in a custom dashlet for sugar 6.5?

    I am trying to perform a custom query inside my custom dashlet. This is my query at the moment: $lvsParams = array( 'custom_select' => ' ,MIN(due_date) as min_date', // 'custom_from'=> '', 'custom_where' => ' AND due_date >= "'.$dbformat.'"', 'custom_groupby…
  • What file is used to create the compose email in sugar 6.5?

    I want to customize the From and To parameters during email composition, but I don't know what file is used to create the compose email form. Can anyone point me to the right direction? Also I want to customize the From and To when sending the invoice…
  • where to find table for custom field in a custom module?

    I created a custom field inside a custom module, The custom field is working as expected and changes were made to its value when I edit it inside the edit part of the module for testing. But what I want to do is to update the value of the custom field…
  • Where is sorting customization for header bar arrows in list view located?

    We are trying to move to a new virtualized server. I have changed no code and only the MySQL version has change from 5.5 to 5.1 Now the sorting arrows in the list view header in one of the custom modules doesn't work. I am trying to find where any customization…