Hi All,
Currently, I am working on functionality where I need to add a new field in the accounts detail and edit page. I have added a new field on both pages.
Now, this field should be editable only to system admin users and not to regular users. I have added custom code for editview against that field like below which is working.
'customCode'=>'{if $IS_ADMIN}@@FIELD@@{else}<input title="" id="client_nm" name="client_nm" type="text" value="{$fields.client_nm.value}" readonly disabled="1" size="30" maxlength="255" >{/if}'
But for detailview, I did not find any particular solution. I tried the following solution by placing it in the following file-
global $current_user;
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['client_nm']['inline_edit']= $current_user->is_admin;
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['client_nm']['labelValue']='Client Name';
But this is not working.
Please guide