Reason why basic search or advance search is not working on a new custom module?

Is there anything I need to check or configure to make sure that the search will work? By search I am not referring to global search but instead on the basic and advance search for the module.

  • Hi Rodolfo Tuble

    Did you try reindexing from Administrator > Search and do reindexing.



  • Can you elaborate on what happens when you try to perform a search?

    Have you checked the sugarcrm.log file to see if you are getting any errors?

  • Hello Sayad Sharif,

    Where can I find that option? All I found here was Administrator->Global Search and just a list of modules that you can do global search to.

  • Hello Angel Magana,

    When I try to do basic or advance search it just reloads the page like it did try to search but it failed to do so.

    Also, I did what you mentioned and checked the logs and this is what I found when comparing my working search on the invoice module and the search for my custom module:

    Sun Nov  6 23:56:41 2016 [27260][1][INFO] List View Where Clause: ( like 'test 1%')   AND jt0.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0   AND jt1.deleted=0 where (cb_supporttickets.created_by = '1') AND cb_supporttickets.deleted=0 ORDER BY cb_supporttickets.cb_supporttickets_number Start: 0 count: 21 Sun Nov  6 23:56:41 2016 [27260][1][INFO] Query: SELECT , cb_supporttickets.created_by , cb_supporttickets.assigned_user_id , cb_supporttickets.cb_supporttickets_number ,  , jt0.user_name created_by_name , jt0.created_by created_by_name_owner  , 'Users' created_by_name_mod, cb_supporttickets.department , cb_supporttickets.status , cb_supporttickets.priority , cb_supporttickets.resolution  , jt1.user_name assigned_user_name , jt1.created_by assigned_user_name_owner  , 'Users' assigned_user_name_mod FROM cb_supporttickets   LEFT JOIN  users jt0 ON AND jt0.deleted=0   AND jt0.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0   AND jt1.deleted=0 where (cb_supporttickets.created_by = '1') AND cb_supporttickets.deleted=0 ORDER BY cb_supporttickets.cb_supporttickets_number LIMIT 0,21 Sun Nov  6 23:56:41 2016 [27260][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00067806243896484

    Here the where clause is wrong and it should be searching for the name and not using created_by

    This is for the different module:

    Mon Nov  7 05:07:19 2016 [19438][1][INFO] List View Where Clause: ( like '1%' ) AND ( IN (SELECT favorites.parent_id FROM favorites                                    WHERE favorites.deleted = 0                                        and favorites.parent_type = "AOS_Invoices"                                        and favorites.assigned_user_id = "1") OR NOT (0)) Mon Nov  7 05:07:19 2016 [19438][1][INFO] Query:SELECT id, name FROM saved_search                   WHERE                     deleted = '0' AND                     assigned_user_id = '1' AND                     search_module =  'AOS_Invoices'                   ORDER BY name   AND jt1.deleted=0 where (( like '1%' ) AND ( IN (SELECT favorites.parent_id FROM favorites                                    WHERE favorites.deleted = 0                                        and favorites.parent_type = "AOS_Invoices"                                        and favorites.assigned_user_id = "1") OR NOT (0))) AND aos_invoices.deleted=0 ORDER BY aos_invoices.number Start: 0 count: 21 Mon Nov  7 05:07:19 2016 [19438][1][INFO] Query: SELECT , aos_invoices.billing_account_id , aos_invoices.assigned_user_id , aos_invoices.number , , aos_invoices.status , billing_account , aos_invoices.total_amount , aos_invoices.currency_id , aos_invoices.due_date  , jt1.user_name assigned_user_name , jt1.created_by assigned_user_name_owner  , 'Users' assigned_user_name_mod, aos_invoices.date_entered , aos_invoices.created_by  FROM aos_invoices  LEFT JOIN accounts jt0 ON aos_invoices.billing_account_id = AND jt0.deleted=0   LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0   AND jt1.deleted=0 where (( like '1%' ) AND ( IN (SELECT favorites.parent_id FROM favorites                                    WHERE favorites.deleted = 0                                        and favorites.parent_type = "AOS_Invoices"                                        and favorites.assigned_user_id = "1") OR NOT (0))) AND aos_invoices.deleted=0 ORDER BY aos_invoices.number LIMIT 0,21 Mon Nov  7 05:07:19 2016 [19438][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00073909759521484

    Here it is working as expected and is searching by name, but for the other module it was searching by created_by which was not the option I chose when searching.

    What files should I be checking here as to why it defaulted on searching by created_by and not by name?

  • Rodolfo Tuble,

    If you remove the Created By field from the search layouts in Studio, are you able to search as expected?  

    Is this happening for all users or just for your user record?

    I believe that the search criteria is stored in the user preferences.  Try resetting your user preferences to see if that helps by going to your profile page and click the "Reset User Preferences" option.  When you reset your user preferences, any sort preference, listview preferences and module order preferences will be reset to default.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hello Lori F,

    I tried what you suggested but it still performed the same result, What files should I be looking for to change to fix this problem?

    Thank you

  • Nevermind I found the culprit it was a custom where added on view.list.php, I had to check every file for the module and found it. I just assumed no one touched the code. Thanks for all your tips everyone.