Create an account by REST API without sending user assigned notification


There is something equivalent to the php version of $bean->save(false); to avoid user email notificacion by API REST Calls?

Or some variable flag on the json of rest/v10/Accounts POST?

Something like the last part of this fake json example





   "address_city":"fake street 123th",



  • [deleted]
    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • Hi, 

    if You don`t want to create custom bean You can alsow create custom ApiHelper and override  function checkNotify. 

    Create file custom/modules/Accounts/AccountsApiHelper.php 

    and ther something like 

    class AccountsApiHelper extends SugarBeanApiHelper { // data/SugarBeanApiHelper.php

    public function checkNotify($bean){ 

    return false;


    check files:

    include/api/SugarApi.php:  saveBean 

    include/api/ApiHelper.php:  getHelper

    data/SugarBeanApiHelper.php : checkNotify