export failiure - Could not find a handler for the path specified in the request.


Upon trying to export my Product Templates into a csv file sugarcrm using the get request below

export = a.get('.../rest/v11_8/ProductTemplates/export/' + exportline + '?platform=base',allow_redirects=True, headers = headers)
os.remove(r"C:\Users\Desktop\work project/ProductCatalog.csv")
open('ProductCatalog.csv', 'wb').write(export.content)
# export line = record list ID
# headers = authentication, grant type, oauth token etc.

I receive an error - error_message:"Your requested resource was not found.  Could not find a handler for the path specified in the request."}

I don't quite get how it cannot be found as I requested the ID to the documents using record_list which gives this response

{"id":"hidden", "assigned_user_id":"hidden","module_name":"hidden"}

from here I used the "ID" from the record list response to request for the export of the csv file.

 using network capture on chrome I can see that the request on the chrome web page and the python program for an export seem to match. So it leads me to believe it has to do with "not being able to find a handler in the request" which I am unsure of what that entirely means but a quick google search does not give me many results, if you have any ideas on what I am doing wrong or what it means by a handler for the path specified, please let me know.

Thank you!

  • Are the user in the python app and the chrome browser the same? Did you check the headers if they are the same? I assume exportLine is the id you retrieved from the json ? And not the complete json string? ( just be sure ofcourse)