• Trying to filter results on a related module using /GET filter API

    Hope someone con help or point me to some information. We have records in the Knowledge base module and use the /GET filter API to do a realtime search of these solutions on our website. To give users more targeted results I need to also filter by our…
  • Updating "Team" field on a related module of a custom module

    Hi! We have a custom module that has a relationship with the "Calendar Lines" module. Our current operations work with all the calendar lines records on the GLOBAL Team to ensure the right access. We have recently received complaints that some…
  • How to lock Records AND all Subpanels (especially creating Relationships) for Records with a special Status?

    Hello Developers, We would like to implement the following: Suppose we have a data set that has a custom field called 'Status'. If the status “B” is selected in this field, then the data record should no longer be able to be changed. This can apparently…
  • Request Status are automate to change resolved to Closed

    Dear All, I want to customized Request Status are automate to change resolved to Closed in 14 days. Please suggest a change or customized in code . Thanks & Regards, Suraj Kumar
  • Module Builder Relationships

    Can you delete the relationships that are created by default when you create a new module in Module Builder
  • creating Relationship between contacts and tags

    Hello, i want to create relationship between contacts and tags but there is no option for tags please check the attached screenshots. thanks
  • Actionbutton doesn't copy parent relationship?

    Hi, we have added an action button via Studio in the purchased line items module and configured it to copy the record. When the button is clicked, a copy of the record should be created automatically with all previous values AND the parent relationship…
  • Relationship based on another relationship

    Is it possible to create a relationship based on another relationship? For example, in Opportunities I need to add two Contact relationships to track both Commercial and Technical contacts for an Account, but I need to limit the ability to select the…
  • Can we add the additional fields to relationship tables?

    Relationship tables currently do not include enough fields for auditing. For example account_cases looks like The table is missing date_entered modified_user_id created_by What is the level of effort to add the missing fields to all…
  • Subpanel List View: How to ONLY show parent related field as column

    Hello everyone, I have a module B. In this module there is a field created from a 1:n relationship, which points to the module C (Contacts). Module B hangs as a subpanel under module A (also here a 1:n relationship). Now I want to show a column in…
  • Duplicate Relationships and Subpanels in Cases

    Dear SugarClub Members, We have a number of duplicate relationships in the Cases module. These relationships may have been created in Studio but are now not able to be removed from Studio. With the duplicate relationships, it has also created…
  • Duplicate Check not working on Custom Relationship Field

    Hi all. I've added a new relationship on leads linked to Contacts ( contacts_leads_1) which is One to Many relationship. On the lead this creates the standard relate field linked to the relationship. When going into the "Search and Select" box and…
  • Adding a related contact on create (Admin)

    Hello! Our team has been stuck on these one for a while. Recently we implemented some processes to notify clients on the status of cases. We managed this without a problem. However we noticed something odd. Since the contact is related automatically…
  • how to define relate field lookup value working in the modules

    I took the following sample off Cases module and tried to apply same pattern but it is not working for me 'site_mxxn' => array( 'name' => 'site_mxxn', 'rname' => 'name', 'id_name' => 'site_id', 'vname' => 'LBL_SITE_MXXN', 'type' => 'relate', …
  • Prevent execution of logic hooks of related module when we create record from subpanel.

    Hello, I have a module "Work Product" in which I have subpanels of 'Work Product Deliverable','Errors','Work Product Enrollment' and some other module. I have linked 1351 records of Error in Work Product and 6485 recors of Work Product Enrollment. As…
  • Change Relate Field Value (Default is name field from selected record)

    Hello, What i am trying to achieve is that I have a relate field which is related to Products module. when i select any record from this field i can see the name of selected product in the record field. But i want that when i select any record in relate…
  • Circular M:M relationship adds duplicate rows to the linking table

    I'm trying to add a circular (relationship with itself) M:M relationship to the Product Templates module. I was to create it and the subsequent linking table and add the subpanels for both the left and right side of the relationship. However, when I…
  • Emails from BPM are not being linked to parent record

    Hello, I have a Process Definition that sends emails to the primary email address in accounts, I'm using the sugar email ID to link these into the Emails subpanel for the proper account, however, over the Email record the parent Account is not being…
  • Cannot add relate field [relationship field] on the custom module record save/update

    Hello, Please forgive for my language and terminologies used if are incorrect below is what I am struggling with I have a custom module name COF I wanted to have a relationship with opportunities 1 : M [1 Opportunity can contain many COFs] I…
  • SugarCRM apis : how can i get module and related modules data in one request?

    Hi all, I am using REST APIs to retrieve data. I need to get Accounts and Contacts that having one or more active Contract or not lost Opportunities. In my understanding, I have to call rest/v11/Contracts and rest/v11/Opportunities and loop them with…
  • How to create a relationship using module loader?

    I get the error " Manifest file must specify the package type" when I use the following manifest. $manifest = array ( 0 => array ( 'acceptable_sugar_versions' => array ( 0 => '9.0.3', ), ), 1 => array ( 'acceptable_sugar_flavors' => array ( 0 => 'PRO…
  • Why do subpanels generated from circular relationships doesn't have record links?

    Hi, I created a 1:M(one-to-many) circular relationship in Locations module. This generated a relate field and a subpanel. The issue is that the subpanel doesn't have any links in its records: Any ideas or fixes for this? Thanks, Eron Tancioco
  • Is the custom/modules/relationship directory still needed? Some of the functionality seems to be moved elsewhere.

    I am on SugarCRM 8.0.2. When I worked with relationships in the past, I noticed that a file was created and put in ./custom/Extension/modules/relationships/relationships, but it was not used, instead ./custom/metadata/{relationshipName}MetaData.php was…
  • set_relationship returns 500 in v7.11. Is backward compatibility not supported?

    My use case is simple. I'm creating a Contact, I'm creating a Case and I associate that Case with the contact. When we initially built the integration, only api v4_1 was available. When use API Key of SugarCRM v7.11, Contact creation and Case creation…
  • Set relationship dropdown via javascript controller

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to set a relationship dropdown on the "One" side (One-To-Many relationship) in the create javascript controller. With relate fields I'm able to simply do this: this.model.set('account_c', accountName); this.model.set('account_id_c…
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