• sugarcrm 14 compose email From field keep loading

    Hi there, After upgrade to sugarcrm14 (SugarCRM Version 14.0.0 (Build 233) (Q2 2024) ), I am unable to compose email. When I try to compose email (Click Email->Compose Email), the From field keep loading instead of loading my email. Outgoing Mail Configuration…
  • Best practice to send draft emails by scheduler

    Dear community, I am working with V13.0.0 and I have the following business case: A custom module "Claim". This module is related to the Cases module (1:N). There can be several claims of different or the same type under the case. Each claim can be…
  • Record URL in BPM Process email templates for clickable images?

    Hello Sugar lovers! I'm trying to pimp my customer's email reminders by using images. I'd like to make some of them clickable and send the user to the record page. The use case is a reminder to provide a meeting report. The issue is that the tag I…
  • How to add custom link button in email template

    Hello All, I am using Process Email Templates to send Process Definitions. Custom module have url fields say, url = " ">https://abc.com/?id=A123" TinyMCE encodes a[href] Fields Selector {::Modules::url::} to %7B%3A%3AModules%3A%3Aurl%3A%3A%7D…
  • Test Email LogicHook development server

    Hi, How can I best test my Email LogicHook on incoming mail on my local development server? Thanks, Stijn
  • Does SugarCRM have a bulk email verification tool?

    Does SugarCRM have a bulk email verification tool?
  • Adding CC'd email recipients as contacts via Sugar Connect

    Hi Team, My users would like to be able to add other people who have been CC'd on received emails as contacts in the CRM via Sugar Connect. Is there a way to do this? Dave
  • Emails Sent From Sugar Go To SPAM often

    CRM users have email address on a different domain than CRM is hosted on. I'm hosting Sugar on a Cpanel account the the emails sent from Sugar frequently end up in SPAM (all the time for @outlook.com, some of the time for @gmail.com) I've determined…
  • Reply customer with email for new case

    Hello! Our bussiness has the create case from an inbound email implemented right now. Just like the next guide: https://support.sugarcrm.com/Knowledge_Base/Email/Automatically_Creating_Cases_From_Inbound_Emails/ We had the auto reply email configured…
  • set email opt_in when creating contact bean

    Can anyone help with how you set a contacts primary email and set opt_out to 1 when a new contact bean is crated $contactbean = BeanFactory : : newBean ( "Contacts" ) ; $contactbean - > first_name = $args [ 'FirstName' ] ; $contactbean - > last_name …
  • How to add module case in email template?

    I need to create an email template, with information of cases, like case number, the subject and the description. How can I add this information, since only the account modules, contacts / lead / targets and users, can it be added to the template? Im…
  • How can I add the people that received a scheduled report on the CC email form of each user that recieve the report

    Hello, I have the requirement of How can I add on the CC of the email result of scheduled report all the people added on the destination list of that scheduled report. I appreciate all the ideas!, Thank you.
  • How to assign email template with related module values ?

    Hi All, I talking about the Email module. I need to integrate the related module values in email templates. how can I do it ? Please help me find a solution.
  • How to easily add email to contact via API?

    I need to add emails to contacts. But I wasn't able to find out how to do it in a convenient way. Now when I want to add an email address to a contact, I have to call three endpoints. 1 - I need to call POST /EmailAddresses to get the email address's…
  • how to add custom module fields in email templates

    Hi All, I need to add custom modules field in Email template. How can I map or add the custom module fields in Email template
  • How to send email using email template from edit/record view ?

    Hi All, I need to send email using email template from edit/record view ?
  • How to get scheduled report in .csv format?

    Currently scheduled report get in pdf format but is there any way to get scheduled report in .csv format? #scheduled #report csv
  • send an email after contact updates in backbone.js

    following from my previous question, I have a button to reset a contacts password field and want to send the contact an email once the update is complete the function that updates the row is resetUserPassword: function(model) { var id = this.model.get…
  • Create custom email and send it to Email Queue

    Hello there We are using SugarCRM 6.5 CE and let me share a new functionality I am trying to add to my sugarcrm configuration. I am creating a new button that launches a process which reads a custom "status field" of all accounts, and for all those which…
  • Creating a logic hook, no PHP background, where to even start?

    Problem: Sales reps need to send periodic emails to clients (ie, when a client initially signs up, 3-month mark, 6-month mark, 9-month mark, 12-month mark). Sugar Support stated I would not be able to accomplish this using Advanced Workflow and suggested…
  • Create an account by REST API without sending user assigned notification

    Hello There is something equivalent to the php version of $bean->save(false); to avoid user email notificacion by API REST Calls? Or some variable flag on the json of rest/v10/Accounts POST? Something like the last part of this fake json example { "id…
  • Disable Assignment Notification On Module In SugarCRM

    How can I disable assignment notifications for a particular custom module in SugarCRM? Eg. When I create a new Case or Task and assign it to a User, the User receives an email about the assignment. If I turn off "Assignment Notifications" through Email…
  • Hide or remove email settings message from module list view

    Hi, I see message on each module list view regarding email settings. I don't want to configure email but I will do in future. I want to hide this message. "Note: To send record assignment notifications, an SMTP server must be configured in Email Settings…
  • Related Entity Search Filter

    How to search the related fields like Opportunities and Cases using the Account email without using the record ID in the API? For Example: POST https: //{domain_url}/rest/v10/Accounts/filter { "filter" : [ { "email_addresses.email_address" : { "$contains…
  • Sugar 8, sending email from Group address

    Has anyone found a workaround to bug 79888? See: SugarCRM We can't set the sender of emails from Cases to the Inbound Email queue address and this is a problem for us. We do not want Customer Support and Technical Support emails coming from the individual…
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