• No file chosen Error

    Dear Team, I have upgrade SugarCRM version 9.0.1 to 11.0.6 . When I open any ticket in SugarCRM I am facing below attached error in SugarCRM screen . I have facing no file chosen on CRM screen. Thanks & Regards,
  • HTTP: 500 Internal Server Error Invalid subscription json data

    Dear Team, I have Upgraded our sugar CRM 11.0.6 to 12.0.3 & we are Getting CRM after login screen ( HTTP: 500 Internal Server Error Invalid subscription json data ) Please help what can i do for this issue
  • Mail are not Synced in SugarCRM

    Dear Team, Outbound email are not synced in SugarCRM. Please help in this issuu , we are using SugarCRM version 9.0.1 Thanks
  • API String filters now working as expected?

    Hi all! I'm using the SugarCRM API and trying different queries. As mentioned in the documentation we expect to filter all the columns exposed from the /metadata endpoint for each module. What happens is that we don't have consistent behavior. If…
  • API Users endpoint: getting different number of records for different fields listed on PostData. What is the API query cost algorithm? Is there any endpoint that calculates it?

    Hi all! I'm using SugarCRM API v11_22 and I'm testing the Users module. If I run different queries I get different results, sometimes even errors. What I've noticed is a mechanism under the hood that calculates the load of the query and depending…
  • Dynamic value set via Ajax in Accounts/Any modules in create page, But If click save button automatically got erased.

    $("input[name=name]").val('test'); when applying the value using Jquery. then after clicking the save button value is automatically erased and throws the required error message.
  • Sugar Latest Version ENT V13 Clarifications

    1. New Module Deployment : In Sugar V13 ENT default fields, such as the 'Name' field, are not listed Studio ->Layouts -> Record View/List View sections. For example, we would like to display the 'Name' field somewhere other than the top of the screen…
  • After upgrade to 12.* version we are facing problem with package deployment using module loader

    Hi ALL, After upgrade to 12.* version we are facing problem with package deployment using module loader. If we try deploy the package then stuck at 99% and if we check in module loader package shows in installed list. Can anyone suggest what will…
  • How to skip BPM while importing records

    Dear All, We want to send custom email to user saying record is created, but don't send when record is created using import. Can you please suggest a best way for the same. Thanks,
  • How to utilize Quick Repair from the CLI and the Profile Menu

    In the next post at https://sugardevelopersguide.substack.com/ . We will publish our thoughts on QRR from the command line and from the profile menu. Detailed instructions and Module Loadable Packages to add QRR functionality to the SugarCRM Console…
  • Sugar 12 (Q2-2022) Development

    Sugar 12 (Q2-2022) launches this month for both on-premise and cloud users. Want to learn more about Sugar 12 development? Subscribe at sugardevelopersguide.substack.com/
  • Looking for some Use Cases for adding functionality to Sugar?

    I have posted a new post with some Use Case examples on how to leverage the Sugar Framework to add additional functionality. What are your thoughts? Do you have more use cases I can add to the list? sugarcrm.substack.com/.../-what-do-i-do-now
  • I Am Getting Error On our CRM LOG File.

    Dear Team, I am Getting Error In Our Log file on multiples time please suggest what why this coming and how we can Resolved this. Error- Fri Mar 11 20:05:38 2022 [7487][9b290b6c-b1e0-11e9-b3cb…
  • Postman Collection

    Is there a Postman Collection available for Sugar?
  • local Dev instance v.11 getting: Error there was an error while connecting to the server.

    Hello friends... Updated my local dev instance to v11.0 (Enterprise. Cloud) and now whenever I save any record (in any module) I get this: I previously had to do the following after each reboot of my VM box to stop 500 errors: - Log into My SQL…
  • How to update the list of items from the response in some fields ?

    1. I am calling an API on click of button. I am able to get response. Response Sample : { Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4 } 2.Now I want to put these values in some field (dropDownlist) where user can select it and use it. 3.I had no idea…
  • Execution Error when importing file

    Hi everyone. Struggling to debug what seemed to be an easy issue. I'm importing a really basic .csv file into leads, nothing major, Name/ID and street. However when I run the code I get the error: Error: Execution Field Name Execution Error Value…
  • Sugarcrm on Windows using Xamp/Wamp

    Hi All, I am a Linux user for the past couple of years and have been doing SugarCRM dev in Ubuntu. Due to some requirements, I need to set up sugar 9 on window 10. I am using xamp and tried wamp. However, I am facing a weird error and still unable…
  • After Code deployment with Git I am Getting Error..?

    Warning : require_once(src/Cache/Backend/BackwardCompatible.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/sugarcrm/include/utils/autoloader.php on line 355 Fatal error : require_once(): Failed opening required 'src/Cache/Backend…
  • How can I access fields in my javascript?

    Hi, Sorry if the question is very simple but I'm can´t seem to find a solution to my problem, maybe because I'm new to SugarCRM development. I managed to add a button near the "Edit" button when you open a contact and I managed to make it call a hardcoded…
  • Sugar Labels Not showing after copied from GIT (On Demand to my Local Development)

    After installing the on demand sugar copy of CRM from Git, Most of the module lables are not showing up. After research we found that, The Language files that are supposed to be generate in “cache/api/metadata” are empty. Files are following: That means…
  • Rename 'Users' module

    Hi everyone, I have been trying to rename the 'Users' module without success. I go to Admin -> Rename modules but the 'Users' module does not appear so I can't rename it. Actually, what I need is to rename my 'Contacts' module so it is called 'Users'…
  • Acquire the parent Account organization

    Hello everyone, I have tried to create a tree showing the member organizations of an account. Building up the structure down is easy by using "/Accounts/< recordKey> /link/members" But if I want to look up in the tree it becomes much more difficult. Is…