How can I access fields in my javascript?


Sorry if the question is very simple but I'm can´t seem to find a solution to my problem, maybe because I'm new to SugarCRM development. I managed to add a button near the "Edit" button when you open a contact and I managed to make it call a hardcoded phone number through the app I needed.

The problem was that when I tried to make the javascript that does what I previously described use the phone number field present in the current contact, I simply couldn't find a way. How can I store the contact that I have opened in a var for later use in the javascript?

Thanks in advance!

  • You can access values of a field via JavaScript using the following syntax:


    Note that you will want to make sure that you do that *after* the data:sync:complete event fires or after render, otherwise you might get an undefined as the data might not yet be loaded.

  • I'm clearly missing something really basic here, here is the script that I'm executing:

    (function(app){'app:sync:complete', function(){

            app.router.on('route:record', function(module){

                if(module === 'Contacts') {

                    app.controller.context.on('button:call_button:click', function(model){

                        var mobilePhone = this.model.get('phone_mobile');

                        console.log("Call button clicked, phone number:" + mobilePhone);

                       // AJAX POST






    Sorry if this isn't the best place to post code and the error is:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined

    Thanks for the quick reponse!

  • The context for your event callback (essentially, the value of 'this' keyword) is different than it would be if your code was running from a custom Sidecar controller.

    You can try using app.controller.context.get('model') to access the current model object in the Record view.

    App Ecosystem @ SugarCRM

  • inside the router you cant access "this"

    TRy this out:


    var that = this; // gos outside the router'app:sync:complete', function(){

            app.router.on('route:record', function(module){

                if(module === 'Contacts') {

                    app.controller.context.on('button:call_button:click', function(model){

                        var mobilePhone = that.model.get('phone_mobile');

                        console.log("Call button clicked, phone number:" + mobilePhone);

                       // AJAX POST






  • This was it! Thanks you very much you're a life saver

  • Hi Matt,

    This works perfectly when accessing from the record view.

    However, if I use the app.controller.context.get('model') code from a create (inside a drawer), it populates the model underneath the drawer, rather than the model in the drawer.

    Is there any way of getting it from the drawer itself?

    Thanks in advance. 


  • There's some APIs for working with drawers. You can get the active drawer layout using the following call.


    App Ecosystem @ SugarCRM

  • Thanks Matt, that's an excellent tip! I can confirm I can get the drawer's model via:


    I knew there was some methods around drawers, but couldn't remember how to access them. Thanks very much!