After upgrade to 12.* version we are facing problem with package deployment using module loader


After upgrade to 12.* version we are facing problem with package deployment using module loader.

If we try deploy the package then stuck at 99% and if we check in module loader package shows in installed list.

Can anyone suggest what will be root cause for this issue?



  • In my experience, when you get that far, it's often the Repair and Rebuild that gets stuck due to file permissions.

    I use the following from Sugar root to set all directories to 775 and all files to 664 from the sugar root down:

    sudo chown -R apache:apache *
    sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
    sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;

    It resets all the permissions, then I can proceed.

    I have always used command line to upgrade, but I'm sure that the Admin panel also builds a log. You may want to find that log and see where your upgrade stops just to verify what error you get. Also check the usual suspects: the sugar log and the php log. 


  • Dear Francesca,

    Thanks for the response.

    How we can set permissions on cloud instance?

    And if we are deploying new custom package do we need to reset permission of that package first and then upload in module loader or you are suggesting to reset sugar instance permissions before uploading new custom package?



  • Hello Shreya,

    We assume that the file permissions are correctly set up on cloud instances, but to be sure you can ask the support team to reset the permissions.

    Maybe you can check the log files in order to check if there is no other error, on cloud insights to check the php_errors.log file.

    Best regards,


  • Sorry Shreya, I misinterpreted your problem, I thought that you were on site and that the problem you were facing was with the package deployment for the v12 upgrade.
    Have you checked your logs? You should be able to access the sugar log from the Admin panel, does it give any particular failures or warnings?