• How to create an event based on any record save ?

    Hi There, We would like to implement the below functionality Upon creation/edition of any record in any of the module (name for example : PS) : a calendar invite sends to the Contact's primary email address. On save/edit of the record an event…
  • How to change label of fileds in sidecar MultiSelectionListView js

    Hi There, I am working on to show sidecar fields based on some cases of one of our module. We are using below code : ({ extendsFrom: "MultiSelectionListView", allowedFields: ["anml_animals_ii_inventory_item_1_name","type_2","test_type_c","timepoint_type…
  • How to create chart calculation of report ?

    Hi There, I am looking to export the data of one of the custom report into pdf format including calculation showing in chart format. I am not able to find any information or way to achive this in sugar crm. Please help me to implement this. Below…
  • How to import .dat file data in sugar crm ?

    Hi There, I would like to import the .dat file data from shared server into one of my sugar crm module . I did not find any way to achive this by inbuilt sugar crm code. Can anyone have idea to implement this in sugar crm ?
  • Create Pop up where I can enter some description and click on continue

    On click of button , I want a pop up dialog box where I can write some description and then click on Continue. Please help me here . Sugar CRM version used : 10.3 Enterprise
  • I want to add custom button near Cancel and Save button which should be visible when I click on create option.

    I want to add custom button near Cancel and Save button which should be visible when I click on create option. I am able to add button on edit record as well as view record but not on create record. Please help me here . Sugar CRM version used …
  • I need to

    I have an Use Case where : 1. There is one checkbox in Account Module which should get enable or visible only when : a. Account Inofrmation is saved successfully without any error and this account should have atleat one Address and atleast one case…
  • I want to have alert notification on logic hook.

    I have gone through many questions and posts but i didn't find the solution for sugar 10.3 (Enterprise Edition) class save_customer { /* *$bean : *$event : *$arguments : */ function save_customer($bean, $event, $arguments) { //Check If Customer ID…
  • How to add status field on module based on some condition?

    I have use case where when I click on 'Activate' button ,an API is trigerred which will show an alert boc saying "Account is activated". Now , I want to add one field like below screen which will refelct the status of accounts. <<Ignore module name…
  • How to update the list of items from the response in some fields ?

    1. I am calling an API on click of button. I am able to get response. Response Sample : { Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4 } 2.Now I want to put these values in some field (dropDownlist) where user can select it and use it. 3.I had no idea…
  • On click of custom button , how can I call API ?

    Query : I have an API in Acconts/clients/base/api/mycustomAPI.php. On click of the button (custom button created) , it should call that API. Sugar CRM version used : 10.3 API url : My Code: (record.js) ({ extendsFrom:'RecordView…
  • add company name to Contacts results when adding a new relationship o type One to Many.

    When adding a relationship between Module X and Contacts we see only Fullname, in several cases multiple contacts share the same name. I would like to customize these results that it would show also a custom field next to the fullname. I have modified…