How to create an event based on any record save ?

Hi There,

We would like to implement the below functionality Upon creation/edition of any record in any of the module (name for example : PS)  : 

 a calendar invite sends to the Contact's primary email address. 

  1. On save/edit of the record an event should be create , with below details  :


  1. Calendar Appointment Subject/Title = [PS record name] Invite
  2. Start Date/Time = PS's Scheduled Start Date Time
  3. End Date/Time = PS's Scheduled End Date Time

Please suggest any way to implement the invite ical feature in sugarcrm. 

  • Can you share the details of SugarCRM flavour you are using? You can leverage the SugarBPM functionality to achieve what you mentioned. Here is the documentation for SugarBPM tool.

    unfortunately this tool or functionality is not available in SugarCRM professional version.