Request Status are automate to change resolved to Closed

Dear All,

I want to customized Request Status are automate to change resolved to Closed in 14 days. Please suggest a change or customized in code . 

Thanks & Regards,
Suraj Kumar

  • Hi  ,

    You should be able to accomplish this with SugarBPM as opposed to custom code. Your start event in the process definition would be the status changing to resolved and then immediately feed into an event-based gateway where it either waits the 14 days before changing the status to closed or terminates if the status is reopened. With the event-based gateway, it will choose the route of whichever action happens first so the most the process should ever be open is 14 days. The process definition should look something like this:


  • Hi  ,

    You should be able to accomplish this with SugarBPM as opposed to custom code. Your start event in the process definition would be the status changing to resolved and then immediately feed into an event-based gateway where it either waits the 14 days before changing the status to closed or terminates if the status is reopened. With the event-based gateway, it will choose the route of whichever action happens first so the most the process should ever be open is 14 days. The process definition should look something like this:

