• Request Status are automate to change resolved to Closed

    Dear All, I want to customized Request Status are automate to change resolved to Closed in 14 days. Please suggest a change or customized in code . Thanks & Regards, Suraj Kumar
  • Current user information - pre currentUserField function

    I want to be able to show/hide a field (or panel) on the Contacts module depending on whether the 'current user' meets a condition. I've thought about a custom field on the User module and also using a Role (using Andre Lopez' isUserInRole function) but…
  • Usage of composer

    Hi there, Am I the only one to be surprised when downloading the full instance of Sugar V12 Enterprise ? The zip is 100Mb gross, and the unzipped instance approximately 300Mb ... Why Sugar is embarking the whole vender folder on their zip files…
  • How to Add Trigger SetOption Dependency in a relationship field?

    Hello Everyone, I have a Relationship field "species" and target field is "breedstrain". I wan that when species = Ovine then in target field "breedstrain" have a dropdown List "Cross Breed","Dorset","Polypay","Suffolk". I added Dependency which…
  • Getting discard changes? popup after edit subpanel record

    I am getting a discard changes? popup after click on any module of navigation after edit in subpanel. Explained below: In Opportunity model subpanel for RLI, I have added a RLI record. After that I have updated the RLI record from subpanel with Quantity…
  • Required Dependency but with a positive value

    I am using a Dependency file (for other needs) and want to 'require' that a Currency field has a positive value when the conditions are true. However, normal 'Required' only seems to test that the field has content, and in the case of a Currency (number…
  • Set edit button disabled when parent record has certain state

    Hi, I want to create a dependency that sets the edit button to readonly when the parent case has a certain state. I came up with the following but it doesn't seem to work. Any idea's? <?php $dependencies['Documents']['DisableEditModeIfCaseClosed…
  • I need to

    I have an Use Case where : 1. There is one checkbox in Account Module which should get enable or visible only when : a. Account Inofrmation is saved successfully without any error and this account should have atleat one Address and atleast one case…
  • SetValue dependency file not working on basic text field

    Hi, Trying to get the SetValue dependency file working on a basic text field using a dependency file. I have used successfully before on a decimal field but struggling here. Below is an example of the dependency file I have placed into ...\custom…
  • How to allow only one value in Multiselect field in Sugarcrm using dependency or custom JS

    Hello, I have a multiselect field but I want to allow select only one value based on some condition like dropdown field. So I want to convert multiselct field into dropdown field based on certain conditions.
  • REST API and respecting Sugar data business rules

    We have used a combination of Studio Required checkboxes, before_save logic hooks and dependency files (Required, SetOptions etc) to enforce some data business rules (including conditional logic) within Sugar instances. I am not a developer, but have…
  • Change DropDown list dynamically in Dropdown Field When we have parent Dropdown selected.

    Hello, What i am trying to achive is that i have a dropdown field named subtype which is dependent on parent dropdown type_2 (Dropdown field name). I am trying to setup subtype dropdown list dynamically using dependency. But i am getting an issue…
  • SetPanelVisibility Dependency action prevents users editing field when creating new record

    I've created a dependency definition to hide panels as per: https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_10.2/Architecture/Sugar_Logic/Dependency_Actions/SetPanelVisibility/ When this is deployed the trigger field…
  • Ensuring data integrity in Inline Edit

    We have made good use of Dependency files to enforce business data requirements, in addition to the blanket 'Required' in Studio. This works well. However, it turns out that these 'rules' are bypassed when editing data 'in line' in module List View or…
  • Dependency triggerfields

    I have been working with dependency files for some of the functionality (SetOptions, SetRequired, SetValues etc) and generally very useful. However a couple of questions: 1) Conditional logic : trigger or action value Depending on the circumstance, I…
  • Can I use a dependency to set entire record to read only?

    I know how to use a dependency to set one or more fields to ReadOnly but is there a simple way to set EVERY field in a record to read only without having to do it for each field? I would like to avoid using the controllers to get it done for each view…
  • Dependencies to define a field required according specific

    Hello Developers, I'm working on sugarCRM 8.3. I need to write dependencies on custom field, where field is required or visible for specific role. I tried using JS but it is working only on web not in mobile.
  • Record View Row Not Collapsing When Dependency Based Field Is Defined as Read-Only

    Field Vardef: 'rate_guarantee' => array ( 'required' => false, 'name' => 'rate_guarantee', 'vname' => 'LBL_RATE_GUARANTEE', 'type' => 'int', 'massupdate' => false, 'default' => '', 'no_default' => false, 'comments' => '', 'help' => '', 'importable' =…
  • Chaining ReadOnly and SetVisibility dependencies

    Hi I understand you can chain dependencies here: http://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_7.9/Architecture/Sugar_Logic/Dependency_… I'm using Sugar Enterprise 7.9.2. The following is my dependency: <?php $dependencies…
  • Calculation formulas broken after git pull

    Hi all, I've been developing a set of formulas for a client. After some testing on my localhost I've committed everything to our repository and pulled it over to the user testing instance. The pull works fine, the permissions are OK. Then, as you would…
  • Dependency with multi select type field.

    Hi All, How do i write dependency for multi select field. Is this possible? If yes,please give me a sample. Thanks in advance.