Sugar 13 Enterprise On-site with Elastic Search 8.4.3 (Windows)


We have resently upgraded our Sugar test environment to version 13. We have also attempted to install and run the Windows service for ES 8.4.3 (Elastic Search) but are unable to test the connection via Sugar Administration and perform the required Re-index after installation.

Our current PHP version is 8.0.28.

I have followed the usual process as per our previous upgrades but somehow this verison of ES runs differently to others. We are running the single node on our hosting server and It looks like the ES service consumes memory through the OpenJDK Platform binary which is different to our prod instance running ES 7.16.3 via the Commons Daemon Service Runner:

The Sugar logs are not helpful and I have followed the two links below during installation. Any assistance or suggestions would be appreciated for those running the same environment. 


- Alex

  • Hi ,

    I noticed something similar when I was creating our Docker container for v13. My issue was that ES data folder was pre-existent with 7.16.3 and was somehow upgraded by the new version or has overridden some config file that is now requesting a username/password, causing my install to fail (connection failed/denied).

    I would say you create a new data folder (or at install, point to an empty data folder) and let Sugar create it.. it did the trick for me.


    SugarCRM | Principal Developer Advocate

  • Hi Rafael,

    Thank you for your reply. I followed your suggestion however it did not resolve the issue and retuned the same error when testing the ES connection from the Search settings in Sugar Administration.

    I did however identify that security is auto enabled by default with this ES which may have aligned with your suggestion. I then added the following line into the elasticsearch.yml file and my connection was successful: false

    I am not sure if this was enabled in the past . I wonder if there is a recommended security setting for ES and Onsite Sugar instances.

    - Alex

  • Hi ,

    Can you help us troubleshoot a bit further on this issue so I can come back to engineering and provide them detailed info about your install?

    1. what’s the port number the elastic search server is listening to?
    2. could you run this Chrome extension ( to explore the ES service?
    3. Any relevant ES server log that could be useful?
    4. Is any user name password required to access that ES server? just run the following command line to see the output.
    curl -XGET http://localhost:<port>/

    SugarCRM | Principal Developer Advocate

  • Hi Raf,

    1. what’s the port number the elastic search server is listening to? - 9200
    2. could you run this Chrome extension -  ( head/cpmmilfkofbeimbmgiclohpodggeheim?hl=en) to explore the ES service? - 

      It does not look to be running correctly. Looks different to our Prod ES service



    3. Any relevant ES server log that could be useful? - Not that I can see or have found. Is there a specific log file I can use? Inside the Sugar folder or ES folder?

    4. Is any user name password required to access that ES server? just run the following command line to see the output. - 

      Command output: