• Login is not working (When more than 1 UI server) while updating OS from CentOS 7 to Amazon Linux 2023 for SugarCRM 12.0.5

    Hello Team, We are using SugarCRM 12.0.5 Enterprise Edition on our on-premise AWS environment with Cent OS7. We are running with 2 UI and 2 API and 1 Scheduler instance on lower environment. When we are trying to upgrade OS from CentOS 7 to Amazon Linux…
  • HTTP: 500 Internal Server Error Invalid subscription json data

    Dear Team, I have Upgraded our sugar CRM 11.0.6 to 12.0.3 & we are Getting CRM after login screen ( HTTP: 500 Internal Server Error Invalid subscription json data ) Please help what can i do for this issue
  • Doc Merge not working / cURL Error 3 / 500 Server Error

    Hi Devs, We are currently trying to implement the Doc Merge feature on our on-site instance. When generating a document we get a 500 error on the GUI and in the log (debugging level) the following is thrown: Tue Mar 5 13:27:17 2024 [2911543][d90f4525…
  • Sugar 13 Enterprise On-site with Elastic Search 8.4.3 (Windows)

    Hi. We have resently upgraded our Sugar test environment to version 13. We have also attempted to install and run the Windows service for ES 8.4.3 (Elastic Search) but are unable to test the connection via Sugar Administration and perform the required…
  • Calculate the end date(SLA) from its start date in business hours

    I need to calculate end-date/SLA for a given start-date considering the completion-time in minutes within the business hours/days. For instance : start-date = 2023-03-17 15:00:00 completion-time = 240 (minutes) Considering 9 working…
  • Error "session_start(): Ignoring session_start() because a session is already active"

    Hello, we got a weird issue on our DEV environnment ; the error message we got is " session_start(): Ignoring session_start() because a session is already active ". Our dev is running under PHP 8.0. This message is happening when a custom job tries…
  • Cron Job not working on my vagrant phpes80es716 instance

    Hello Good Day! I installed my SugarCRM Enterprise 12.1 on fresh installed vagrant phpes80es716 instance. And I set-up the Sugar Schedulers by adding the Crontab Setup provided by sugar: I am wondering why the cron jobs is not working and tested…