• How to search email addresses or full sentences using the global search ?

    Hello, before we dive on how we can extend ElasticSearch and better understand the analyzers and other matchphrases criteria, I want to see if there is an out of the box way to use special character that will force Sugar to search the full email address…
  • Problem with Global Search "Loading" filter dashlets and no results

    I have a problem in v14 with Global Search not returning any records for any of the searches. Also, the filters in the intelligence pane show a never-ending "Loading" I checked the Console and the PHP Logs and the Sugar Logs, there is nothing indicating…
  • How to "ignore" some characters with the global search ?

    Hello, I want to know if one of you know how to customize the GLOBAL SEARCH to ignore certains characters (for instance - or / or .) ? Obviously, the "problem" is more an elasticsearch concern ; what would be great is that the query is launch with…
  • Sugar 13 Enterprise On-site with Elastic Search 8.4.3 (Windows)

    Hi. We have resently upgraded our Sugar test environment to version 13. We have also attempted to install and run the Windows service for ES 8.4.3 (Elastic Search) but are unable to test the connection via Sugar Administration and perform the required…
  • Can I disable a module from GlobalSearch using REST API or specific settings from the code?

    Hello, Is there an easy way to disable a module from the global search using the REST API or maybe through the code ? The purpose is, for instance, to avoid that a new module created from the builder is automatically enabled. Many thanks, F…
  • (Elasticsearch Queue Scheduler) failed in CRON run, no such index

    I am seeing this error in my sugarcrm.log, anyone know what might be causing this? "Job c6759e5c-1f10-11ed-889b-08002739f7af (Elasticsearch Queue Scheduler) failed in CRON run, no such index [95152e7188d364b5d185954f0950adae_contacts] [index: 95152e7188d364b5d185954f0950adae_contacts…
  • GlobalSearch / ElasticSearch - Complementary sort by date

    Hello, is there a way, with the GlobalSearch, to sort the results with the same score according to another criteria (for instance the expected close date for the opportunity, the date modified etc.). Best regards, Fred
  • Zero-day-exploit in log4j2

    Hi All, I hope you guys are already aware of the log4j2 security vulnerability that happened over the weekend. I know ElasticSearch is using it heavily but does anyone has any idea if SugarCRM itself using it for any kind of logging? Also, what are…
  • OpenSearch 1.0 and SugarCRM 11?

    We're in the process of upgrading from Sugar 9.0.4 to Sugar 11.0.1, which will require us to spin up ElasticSearch 7.9 instances. I'm wondering if anyone has tried running Sugar 11 against OpenSearch 1.0 (AWS) yet? It looks like OS 1.0 claims to be…
  • Defining the custom index in a Vardefs Extension

    HI All, I Just want to w hat is the purpose of defining the custom index in a Vardefs Extension and Is it any relation elastic search ?
  • Deleted records still in global search

    I use $bean->markdeleted() to delete contacts but I find they are still appearing in the global search afterwards and then when clicked it says data not available (because they are marked as deleted in the DB). Why does the markdeleted not remove them…
  • SugarCRM 8.0.1 not recognizing increase in limit of total fields in Elasticsearch 5.6.9 index

    In SugarCRM 8.0.1, I am trying to schedule a full system index, but I am running into the following error in the SugarCRM error log: [FATAL] Elasticsearch request failure: Limit of total fields [1000] in index [my_index] has been exceeded I am connected…
  • SugarCRM 7.6 to 7.7 appropriate version ElasticSearch

    Hi, Currently I upgraded our sugarCRM from 7.6 to 7.7 and before there is already installed elasticsearh where the version is 1.6.0. On the sugar site documentation guide, the recommended elasticsearch is 1.4.4. Do i need to downgrade the version of elasticsearch…
  • Need Help : Installing SugarCRM v7.8

    I am new to SugarCRM and trying to install v7.8. I am referring to https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Versions/7.8/Ent/Installation_and_Upgrade_Guide/ During the installation, "Database Configuration & Elastic Search page", I am getting…
  • Can I use one ElasticSearch server for multiple instances

    I couldn't find guide how to use one ElasticSearch server to be used by multiple SugarCRM instances in safe manner? Can I use suggested SugarCRM configuration for multiple sugarCRM instances, and will it not mix indexes from two different instances(I…
  • Making an upgrade without ElasticSearch

    Hi guys, I'm trying to upgrade a Sugar instance from 7.5 to 7.7 but for the moment ElasticSearch service isn't available on our server. This cause that the upgrade can't execute as expected. The message "Couldn't connect to host. Elasticsearch down?"…