I am getting a discard changes? popup after click on any module of navigation after edit in subpanel. Explained below:
In Opportunity model subpanel for RLI, I have added a RLI record. After that I have updated the RLI record from subpanel with Quantity changed and hit save. After subpanel record save, on click of any other module from navigation bar I am getting the discard changes popup.
This is getting after I added a dependency formula on RLI likely and best fields.
My dependency file path is : custom/Extension/modules/RevenueLineItems/Ext/Dependencies/calculate_likely_best_values.php
$dependencies['RevenueLineItems']['calculate_likely_best_values'] = array(
'hooks' => array("save"),
'trigger' => 'true',
'triggerFields' => array('quantity', 'probability','discount_price'),
'onload' => true, //Whether or not to trigger the dependencies when the page is loaded
'actions' => array(
'name' => 'SetValue',
'params' => array(
'target' => 'likely_case',
'value' => 'multiply(number(related($rli_templates_link,"discount_price")),number($quantity),divide(number($probability), 100))',
'name' => 'SetValue',
'params' => array(
'target' => 'best_case',
'value' => 'multiply(number(related($rli_templates_link,"discount_price")),number($quantity))',