• How to add a contact into an opportunity based on the client only using Studio or BMP (or both)?

    Hi, everyone! I would like to know how to relate a contact to an opportunity automatically based on the customer. The scenario is this one: The user creates its Opportunities via the Quote record, the quote record only has the Account related to…
  • Retrieve associated Opportunity ID when providing docID

    Hey is there a way to access the opportunity ID given the documentID. I would like to be able to query given the docID info and be able to find the associated opportunity related to the docID provided. I can definitely complete the task done the other…
  • How to represent a change on a report?

    Hello, I would like to create a report that could represent a significant change on an opportunity (e.g. Effective Date change, Revenue change) - I am struggling with it a bit at the moment. I was thinking about creating timestamps for fields I…
  • block opportunity creation without contacts

    I want to force the users to add contacts to all opportunity created. The opportunity should not save without a contact added. Also, is there a way to bring contacts to the primary panel of opportunity so it becomes a mandatory option?
  • How to get relate contact ID in the opportunities module record.js?

    Please HELP! How to find the contact ID related with current opportunity module in the record.js file ( custom/modules/Opportunities/clients/base/views/record/record.js ). In other words i just need to get the contact ID which is related to my opportunity…
  • How can I link a contact to a opportunity via REST API?

    I'm trying to find some documentation on how to do this. I will start trying to use this endpoint now, but its not clear to me if it will work: <module>/:record/link/:link_name/:remote_id POST But I do not know if it will work. Thanks for some…
  • Default RLI field based on parent Opportunity

    Hi all, I have a field call Branch that exists in both the Opportunity and Revenue Line Item modules. When an RLI record is created, I want the Branch field in that record to be set to the same value as in the parent Opportunity record, unless the user…
  • Getting discard changes? popup after edit subpanel record

    I am getting a discard changes? popup after click on any module of navigation after edit in subpanel. Explained below: In Opportunity model subpanel for RLI, I have added a RLI record. After that I have updated the RLI record from subpanel with Quantity…
  • Date Modified by Assignee

    Hi Team, I would like to implement a Date_Modified_by_Assignee field in the Opportunity module that is automatically set to the current datetime when the record is updated but only if it is being updated by the user whom the record is assigned to. Is…
  • How to import a Revenue Line Item correctly?

    Hello Devs, in this ocassion I want to ask you if you can please help me with the following: I want to import A LOT of Opportunities with their Revenue Line Items, I am importing directly the RLIs so the Opportunities can be created automatically…
  • How to delete a "Closed Won" opportunity?

    Hello once again! In this ocassion I need your help because I was doing some testing in my Sugar Instance but I did not know that the "Closed Won" opportunities won´t delete after entering that stage. Someone can guide me through how to delete it? Please…
  • How to put a serial/pholio numer to the opportunities created?

    Hello DevGods, my name is Angel and I´m new in Sugar. I was wondering if there is a way to get every Opportunity once saved to tag itself. Example: I make my first opportunity and I want to "tag" that Opportunity with the first letter of the Business…
  • Roll-up RLI Product Category Values to Opportunity Multiselect

    We would like a field on our Opportunity record that reflects all of the Product Category values on related Revenue Line Items. For instance, for an Opportunity with 2 Revenue Line Items, if a "WP" Product Category was on 1 Revenue Line Item and "EC"…
  • Setting New Opportunity Revenue Line Item Assigned To and Teams

    When creating a new Opportunity (Opp), the Revenue Line Item (RLI) is also created at the same time. Currently, the RLI Assigned To and Teams are set to the values of the person creating the records, but we would like the RLI Assigned To and Teams to…
  • Opportunity sales status not getting Revenue sales stage value

    Hello. I have a Revenue Line Item that gets a Opportunity to relate. And I have a record.js in the Opportunity that on clicking the Edit button, it changes the Opportunity 'sales_status' value with the Revenue Line Item 'sales_stage' value. The javascript…
  • Opportunity sales status value not changing correctly

    Hello. I'm using SugarCRM Enterprise I have a RevenueLineItems module, that is related to the Opportunities modules. What I need is when changing the RevenueLineItem 'sales_stage' field value, the related Opportunity 'sales_status' field value…
  • Some calculated fields does not change

    Hi guys ! I have a problem with my Opportunity module. So I have 2 custom fields: Category (which is a dropdown: H&S, ICT, TBD) and Reference (which is a calculated field). The reference is a mix of some other data, the thing is: for some reason it only…