Update Grand total on custom field line item change - Quote Sugar 7.9

I want to add change event to my custom field selling_price_c. If user change the selling price amount from quotes create page, then grand total group amount should have to change. I am not able to find out the change event for discount_price field. 

Please check the attached screen shot.


Parents Reply Children
  • Thanks Andre Lopes for reply. 

    Could you please elaborate more on code wise, that how can update group total and grand total. 

    Also can you tell me from where $total and $subtotal coming in the vardef file.

    'total_usdollar' => array(
    'name' => 'total_usdollar',
    'vname' => 'LBL_TOTAL_USDOLLAR',
    'type' => 'currency',
    'len' => '26,6',
    'disable_num_format' => true,
    'comment' => 'Total amount for all items in the group in USD',
    'studio' => array(
    'mobile' => false,
    'readonly' => true,
    'is_base_currency' => true,
    'related_fields' => array(
    'formula' => 'ifElse(isNumeric($total), currencyDivide($total, $base_rate), "")',
    'calculated' => true,
    'enforced' => true,
    'subtotal_usdollar' => array(
    'name' => 'subtotal_usdollar',
    'vname' => 'LBL_SUBTOTAL_USDOLLAR',
    'type' => 'currency',
    'len' => '26,6',
    'disable_num_format' => true,
    'comment' => 'Group total minus tax and shipping in USD',
    'studio' => array(
    'mobile' => false,
    'readonly' => true,
    'is_base_currency' => true,
    'related_fields' => array(
    'formula' => 'ifElse(isNumeric($subtotal), currencyDivide($subtotal, $base_rate), "")',
    'calculated' => true,
    'enforced' => true,


    Dheeraj M