All Product Suggestions
  • Improve Reporting system

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    • Sugar Sell & Enterprise
    Hi, having some experience with other CRM systems (in particular Salesforce), I can easily say that Sugar reporting system is quite poor. Some of the things I'm missing are: - possibility to use formulas on fields - possibility to sort the chart - possibility to limit the number of results to the first X - .... A good thing though, compared to SF, is the possibility to use all the related modules fields without significant limitations...
  • Report schedules only email the report when at least one row included

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    • Sugar Sell & Enterprise
    I have created reports that interrogate the quality of our data and set up schedules to run and email these reports to me. I only want to receive this email when at least one row is included in the report. This then becomes an effective means for notifications of certain conditions.
  • Process Management

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    • Sugar Sell & Enterprise
    Can you please prioritize some improvements to the Process Management window?! It is becoming a very time-consuming and tedious task when multiple in-progress processes need to be cancelled due to a process redesign. To make this easier, we need: - the ability to filter process records in the same way as other modules. For example, I need to find all process with Status = "In Progress" and record-name = "Xyz". - the ability to bulk select and...
  • Pre-populate fields in Create screens with default values based on user's default team

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    • Sugar Sell & Enterprise
    We want to have fields in modules that are populated automatically based on the current user's team membership(s). This needs to happen as the screen opens. These fields may be of any type but I'm particularly interested in dropdowns. These fields may also be read-only where needed. The content of other dropdowns can then be populated based on the parent dropdown that has been pre-populated.
  • Add Data Field Name on Layout > Record View Editor

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    • Sugar Sell & Enterprise
    Hello, we would like to suggest an enhancement on Layout > Record View Currently, the data field available when editing the Record View toolbox where the list of data field you can drag-n-drop are available. It only shows Data Field Name and doesn't include Data Field Label. Hence, if you have two data field like DATA FIELD LABEL DATA FIELD NAME buyer_name_first First Name applicant_name_first First Name...
  • Cloud Solution needs the ability to drag and drop documents into Sugar

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    • Sugar Connect
    Moving to this has caused our production to decrease and not increase because we can not drag and drop. This is essential to be added. Thanks, Natalie 262 513 5221
  • Add import functionality for dropdown values

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    • Sugar Sell & Enterprise
    I think it would be highly appreciated if there was an import functionality for updating and adding values to a dropdown field. Sometimes there's many values that should be added or updated and this takes a lot of time to do as it is now. It would be great to have the opportunity to upload a file with two columns (item name and display label).
  • Improvement: Notify the user/Sugar Admin when the Scheduled Report is too big to send

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    • Sugar Sell & Enterprise
    • 1 Comment
    We had a user create a report and scheduling it for delivery but the email was never received. After a bunch of digging I found that the report resulted in an 80M PDF attachment that was, of course, undeliverable. The only indication is the vague failure message in the sugar log which does not indicate what actually failed to send. [FATAL] PHPMailerProxy encountered an error: SMTP Error: data not accepted.SMTP server error: DATA END command...
  • Improvements to the Scheduling of Schedulers

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    • Sugar Sell & Enterprise
    1) I am based in the US pacific time zone. Because schedulers run in UTC, I feel like I am always doing mental gymnastics to figure out how to time my schedulers so they run when I want them to. Plus, with daylight savings time, the math changes. Rather than me mathing, it would be so nice if I could enter the times in my own time zone and then Sugar did the math instead. 2) The advanced options are almost always necessary, but this interface is...
  • Add week number to the new calendar

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    • Sugar Sell & Enterprise
    The new calendar lacks some functionality that the old one had: i.e. displaying the week number. This would be really helpful for the ones that uses the calendar a lot. Now they have to go to the old calendar to see the week number and then go back to the new one.