notes report


Often I have follow up meetings with clients and prospects.  Notes from prior meetings are of great interest as I prepare for the latest meeting.  Is there a report which can print notes from meetings from a certain contact for a certain period ?  I would think filters could help zero in on exactly what I need but how do I create this type report?

Many thanks.


  • Do you need to print all these notes? If you do a simple report will do this.

    I'd suggest just view the main Contact screen and click the preview icon in the meetings subpanel to see notes and more in the sidepanel.

  • Hello Tony and thanks for the message.  I can easily get to where you suggest but how to I then print all the notes ?  That is the report I'm trying to create.  I'm new to Sugar and certainly to Sugar reports but how/where do I go for help in creating the filters I need?  Filters, for me, would include notes for those records in Sugar that are assigned to me, then a way to select a specific contact and perhaps a date range so I only get the dates I need.   Thanks again for your help.  Jack 

  • Hi Jack,

    In Sugar, we have an option to export the reports into excel or pdf. To achieve this you can do two things as mentioned below.

    1. Go to meetings module and filters the records by adding the filter on your specific fields in the list view filter. There is a field called related to in Meeting module. This field tells the related module record associated with the meeting. So you can filter the meetings based on related to Contacts and check the specific records you want. Please see the below screenshot for your reference. Once all the filters are applied you can export this into CSV sheet. Note you can export only 1000 records at once through this option.

    2. Second option is by creating a report  and by applying the appropriate filters in the reports and export. Please go through the below links to know more about on how to create reports.

    1. Creating Custom Reports.

    2. Understanding Report Filters.

    Please see the below screenshot, go to reports module and filter the stock reports related to the Meetings module. And check how the default stock reports are created to better understand about how to create reports and apply filters.

    These are the two options, you can use to export the records.

    Hope this information helps you :).

    Thanks and Best Regards,
