notes report


Often I have follow up meetings with clients and prospects.  Notes from prior meetings are of great interest as I prepare for the latest meeting.  Is there a report which can print notes from meetings from a certain contact for a certain period ?  I would think filters could help zero in on exactly what I need but how do I create this type report?

Many thanks.


Parents Reply
  • Hello Tony and thanks for the message.  I can easily get to where you suggest but how to I then print all the notes ?  That is the report I'm trying to create.  I'm new to Sugar and certainly to Sugar reports but how/where do I go for help in creating the filters I need?  Filters, for me, would include notes for those records in Sugar that are assigned to me, then a way to select a specific contact and perhaps a date range so I only get the dates I need.   Thanks again for your help.  Jack 

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