email campaign not running


New to Sugar, we got the system setup no problem. Outbound email tests successful. We setup a simple email campaign with two recipients, It was setup and scheduled with wizard, shows as active but wont run, and scheduler shows as nothing has run for email campaigns. We did not receive any errors running wizard, but never received email to the targets?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Brett,

    be careful not to use the wrong executables. Normally, you would want to run the cron job through the php.exe file, so the sugar.bat file in your case shoudl look like this (no warranties):

    cd \Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\apps\sugarcrm\htdocs

    c:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\php\php.exe -c c:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\php\php.ini -f cron.php

    You chose rather unusual paths for your SugarCRM installation, so please double check directories and file permissions for SugarCRM. If the created batch file runs fine when started manually, you just need to create a new job in the Windows task scheduler which runs the job every minute. It has to be run with a user who has read/write access to the SugarCRM directory.



  • Hi Mark,

    I didn't choose the install paths, as I used the fast track install so technically I'm working with the default installation directories . I went to scheduler as Justin directed and found this command.

    cd C:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\apps\sugarcrm\htdocs

    php.exe -f cron.php

    So I created the batch file, added a pause and first it told me php.exe isn't recognized (because its not in that directory) so I moved it in and reran the batch file. Then got a second error stating that php5ts.dll was missing so I dragged that file into htdocs directory. Then reran and now I get this error.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect() in C:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\apps\sugarcrm\htdocs\inclue\database\MysqliManager.php on line 278

    I am really stuck, finding it hard to believe its this hard to create a batch file to turn this software on?

  • Hi Mark,

    Thanks for your help, I tried your batch realizing no warranties : ) and heres what I got....

    'c:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

    operable program or batch file.

    Not sure what to do at this point, doesn't make much sense....

  • Hi Bratt,

    sorry, i missed the special characters in the commands, so please change it to:

    cd "\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\apps\sugarcrm\htdocs"

    "c:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\php\php.exe" -c "c:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\php\php.ini" -f cron.php

    Please verify that all mentioned files are existing in the locations stated above. The errors with missing modules are caused by not stating which php.ini should be used, resulting in no modules being loaded - no database connectors etc.



  • Mark,

    Cannot thank you enough, that did the trick!

    Thanks, Tom