email campaign not running


New to Sugar, we got the system setup no problem. Outbound email tests successful. We setup a simple email campaign with two recipients, It was setup and scheduled with wizard, shows as active but wont run, and scheduler shows as nothing has run for email campaigns. We did not receive any errors running wizard, but never received email to the targets?

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  • Hi Justin,

    Thanks for the reply and it sounds like you nailed it. I see other schedulers as active but not certain how to tell if they are running or have ran. I get the jist of the batch file so hopefully this will get the emails out the door as I did not do this...

    Again, thanks for your help and I will report back shortly with results of activating cron per the article.

  • ok running into some issues getting the syntax correct for batch file. I found the following files in these locations.

    c:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\php\php-cgi.exe

    c:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\php\php.ini

    C:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\apps\sugarcrm\htdocs\cron.php

    my problem is I cant really find where "sugar" is installed as they don't mention an actual executable in the document to look for. Here is the syntax I have so far based on the document but stuck on the change directory piece. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    cd\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\apps\sugarcrm\htdocs ????

    c:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\php\php-cgi.exe -c c:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.22\php\php.ini -f cron.php