Marketing Automation - The Death of Cold Calling

Industry studies have shown, that due to the ease of research through internet searches and social media;  that 60% of the buying cycle is completed BEFORE the consumer engages the vendor.  That’s a real game changer compared to how business functioned previously.  

Furthermore, all of these communication channels available today enable buyers to largely avoid interactions by telephone, until they want it.  

As a result the traditional concept of Cold Calling is effectively gone. Business folk have become highly adept at shielding themselves from accepting phone calls or emails from unknown & unwanted sources.  So, How does Marketing Automation tools Such as Sugar Market overcome this challenge?

Sugar Market starts by Autonomously tracking all website traffic.  Once a Visitor “Self-Identifies” by filling out a “Contact Me” form or other Identity challenge like a form in front of a White Paper download, then that visitor is “Known” and what previously only known as an IP Address.

Next Sugar Market can now lead score that person based on their web site traffic pattern and can then respond with a Nurture communication plan.  A Nurture Plan can be programmed to be Multi-Channel as in leveraging email, video & Social.  Additionally, if the visitor performs as desired, Sugar Market can either notify a SugarCRM user or even schedule an activity with that contact.

When the CRM user views the contact record before making their call, they can review that contact’s Web & email history ( AKA Marketing Journey)  Now sales has a Warm Lead that has demonstrated specific interest in topics found on the web site and has read follow up email communications.  The Sales User now has specific conversations topics to initiate a conversation.  Thus increasing the probability of success in qualifying the lead in the sales process.

Sugar Market 

  • Automates target marketing
  • Fosters the interests of the web visitors 
  • Provides data to sales which simplifies the initiation of the relationship 
  • Increases the probability to win 


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