Introducing the Intelligence Add-on: Your Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Solution

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Intelligence Add-on, a comprehensive AI/ML solution designed to enhance your SugarCRM experience. This add-on combines our AI/ML features under one package. 


Key Features 

The Intelligence Add-on includes the following powerful tools: 

  • Prediction (SugarPredict): Leverage predictive analytics to gain deeper insights into your data and make more informed decisions. 
  • Sentiment Analysis: Understand customer sentiment and tailor your interactions to improve customer satisfaction. 
  • Generative AI (Summarization): Use advanced generative AI for summarizing opportunities and cases, saving time, and increasing productivity.
  • 500,000 tokens included per user/month 

Subscription Details 

  • Price: $20 per user/month 
  • Availability: Exclusively for Cloud customers using Sell/Serve 

Generative AI Usage and Tokens 

Each user is allocated 500,000 tokens per month for generative AI usage. To manage additional usage, customers have two options:  

  • Option 1: Overage: Price: $30 per 1M tokens  
  • Option 2: Pre-pay: Price: $120 per month for 5M tokens 

Want to learn more? 

To learn more about Sugar’s Intelligence Add-on, please check our  Intelligence Add-on customers FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), follow the new AI Updates, and visit the Intelligence Website

SugarCRM Intelligence Add-on will significantly enhance your CRM capabilities, delivering powerful insights and efficiencies.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our sales team. 

Parents Comment Children
  • Hi Tony,

    Thank you for your message. Just to be clear about how the token usage works, we are not charging the same token usage for different users. We are caching outputs so that as different users engage the GAI-derived summaries, they will see the same summary if a user already viewed the summary. And will only be charged once from a token/data perspective.
    Please let me know if you have more questions.