Intelligence Add-on customers FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the Intelligence Add-on? 

This add-on combines our Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning features under one package. 

What is included? 

The Intelligence Add-on includes the following powerful tools: 

  • Prediction (SugarPredict): Leverage predictive analytics to gain deeper insights into your data and make more informed decisions. 
  • Sentiment Analysis: Understand customer sentiment and tailor your interactions to improve customer satisfaction. 
  • Generative AI (Summarization): Use advanced generative AI for summarizing opportunities and cases, saving time, and increasing productivity. 
  • Tokens included: 500,000 Tokens per user/month 

What is the GAI Summary for Opportunities and Cases?  

The Generative AI Summary Dashlet is a new capability in SugarCRM that provides AI-generated summaries for opportunity and case records. Using OpenAI models, it generates concise overviews that highlight key points, sentiment analysis, and next steps. 

Who can use the GAI Summary Dashlet? 

Any user with access to Opportunities or Cases can view the dashlet once it is added. 

What is the price? 

  • Price: $20 per user/month 
  • Availability: Exclusively for Cloud customers using Sell/Serve 
  • Requirement: Customer needs to buy for all users (Sell, Serve and Limited Use) 

What are tokens?  

Tokens can be thought of as pieces of words. Before the API processes the request, the input is broken down into tokens. These tokens are not cut up exactly where the words start or end - tokens can include trailing spaces and sub-words.  

A helpful rule of thumb for understanding tokens in terms of lengths is that 1,000 words ~= 1,365 tokens. 

What if a customer needs more Tokens? 

Each user is allocated 500,000 tokens per month for generative AI usage. To manage additional usage, customers have two options:  

  • Option 1: Overage: Price: $30 per 1M tokens  
  • Option 2: Pre-pay: Price: $120 per month for 5M tokens 

How can a customer track the consumption of tokens?  

Currently, in the product, Admins and users who added an AI Summary dashlet on their own dashboard can see in the Intelligence dashlet the percentage of usage for the month (resets on the 1st). 

What happens to usage if the token pool is exhausted? 

If no additional tokens have been purchased, we will pause the GAI service when they reach 100% of their monthly allocation. The service will resume on the 1st of the month.   

Do existing Sell Advanced and Sell Premier customers entitled to Predict need to buy Intelligence to keep Predict running? 

Advanced and Premier customers can keep using Predict in their current contract, but they must buy the Intelligence Add-on at the renewal. 

What are the key features of the GAI Summary Dashlet? 

Provides key insights including expected outcomes, key contacts, perceived risks, suggested next actions, and competitors. 

Includes sentiment analysis and language translation. 

How does this feature enhance efficiency?  

By automating the summarization of detailed interaction histories and notes, it reduces the time and effort required for users to review extensive data. This allows users to quickly grasp essential information, enhancing productivity. 

How does it contribute to revenue growth?  

Quick access to summarized customer interactions helps sales teams identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities, boosting sales performance. 

How does it improve customer service?  

With quick access to summarized interaction histories, customer service representatives can respond more effectively to customer inquiries, improving customer satisfaction and relationships. 

What are some of the other intelligence capabilities provided by SugarCRM?  

Other capabilities include enhanced forecasting, service insights, customer sentiment analysis, revenue intelligence, predictive lead analytics, and more.    

How is the summary generated?  

The initial summary is generated when an opportunity or case record is opened. The summary will be regenerated when the record view page is refreshed and new or updated data analyzed by the summary is available, ensuring it reflects the most recent data. 

Is the data shared with OpenAI? 

Yes, but all data used by the summary is anonymized by SugarCRM before sharing it with OpenAI to ensure privacy and security. The customer’s data is not used to train their models.