• How to modify/get custom relate field in record.js

    Hi All How to get custom relate field id in record.js i have one contact relate field & one account relate field on case recordview so when i have select one contact 1. how to get that contact ID. ?? 2. how to modify / Set Account relate field based on…
  • Default assigned user

    Hi, In Sugar, I'm trying to create a record with a default assigned user different than the current user. I've tried with: $dictionary['my_module']['fields']['assigned_user_id']['default'] = '<user_id>'; but without success. Any one can help me…
  • Prevent before_save and after_save logic hooks from running on Import

    I've got some rather expensive process that I don't want to run when importing lots of records. I've considered adding a field 'disable_hooks_c' or something similar to manually disable or ignore events that are triggered due to an import. However, it…
  • How to convert from opportunity module to a custom module?

    I have a custom module called PROJECT, i want to convert an opportunity to a project, both modules have some fields in common. How do i get the data from opp to project for those in common fields? Using Sugar 7.7. I have already tried using the same method…
  • Account Saving error in Sugar

    Hello, I am creating new Account record without email address is save record. When I have update record with email address giving me error. ( Error There was an error while connecting to the server. Please try again) HTTP: 500 Internal Server Error Unknown…
  • Can a logic hook invoke admin rights?

    The Assigned To field in our clients module is set to Read Only for the sales agent role because we don't want the agents to be able to change that field at all. What I need to do is find a way during the creation of a new client to run a hook - or part…
  • SugarCRM recordList for modules API

    I am calling this API http://{site_url}/SugarPro/rest/v10/Accounts I need to sort accounts in ascending order with respect to their distance from current logged in user (I will calculate distance using address of logged in user and specific account).…
  • Better view or options for Download PDF button

    Hello Lori F , Good Morning. You are saying is very perfect but I have found out one issue with that which should be considered as enhancement request and to be given in next release. Alex Nassi I have tag you as you should be look at this too. I…
  • sugar crm custom package navigation issue

    I have created a package in sugar I have installed it on sugar It is working fine over there. But when I install it in sugar the package's navigation is pointing to some different URL's. In Sugar 7.5 menu is like http://localhost…
  • Sugar - The total count of records in subpanel list views it doesn't work correctly

    Hi, I'm in a demo (SugarCRM Enterprise, Version, and I think there is a functionality that is not working correctly. Specifically, the functionality is the total number of records in a subpanel . If we have a subpanel hidden and click on the…