Hello Lori F,
Good Morning.
You are saying is very perfect but I have found out one issue with that which should be considered as enhancement request and to be given in next release. Alex Nassi I have tag you as you should be look at this too. I have noticed that you have some idea about this and you can carry forward my request to the SugarCRM developer or SugarCRM lobby.
I have created 2 template for Accounts module and I can see the action menu as below.
I have 6 accounts type and I need to create 6 pdf template for each type of account so I go ahead and created 5 and see my below screen shot.
This is not so good layout for action. As I can not have options on my action menu . It went below my screen and I can not click on that.Which is pretty bad.
Suggestion : Open side dropdown to select the template and leave the action menu as it is.Same as it is given in to Quotes ( BWC ) module.
See my below attached screenshot.
Hey Guys if you need anything from my side or any questions or not like my suggestion.Anything you can comeup with me any time with anything.
Happy To Help!!!
Prashant Patel