(Elasticsearch Queue Scheduler) failed in CRON run, Undefined constant "Sugarcrm\Sugarcrm\Elasticsearch\Adapter\CURLOPT_USERAGENT"

This is concerning a local development environment, running in a vagrant VM sugarcrm/php80es716 with Sugar Sell 12.0.0. I have setup the scheduler cron job, but I am getting "(Elasticsearch Queue Scheduler) failed in CRON run, Undefined constant "Sugarcrm\Sugarcrm\Elasticsearch\Adapter\CURLOPT_USERAGENT"" Error. Anyone know how to fix this?

  • This ended up being an issue with php versions. SugarCRM was using php8.0 and cron was using php8.1. Solved by doing "sudo update-alternatives --config php" and selecting php8.0.