How do I Stop Hint jobs? We don't have Hint and it's a waste of resources to run them.

As far as I know Hint is licensed separately from Sugar Enterprise and we don't have Hint.

Yet there are three Hint jobs that repeatedly run:

Hint Init Job -> status done, success with message: "Hint init: license was not found"

Hint Register Config ->status done, success with message: "Hint register config: license was not found"

Hint News Job -> status done, success with message: "Hint event queue successfully processed"

I am not seeing these jobs specifically in the Scheduler queue and see no point in the code running one after the other every minute.

How do I turn them off?



  • Hi Francesca,

    There are 4 schedulers that are used for Hint. These schedulers and not visible in the Administration section.

    When Hint is not used for one of our clients, we update the "schedulers" table and set the "status" column to "Inactive".

    The schedulers are : Hint News Job, Hint Init Job, Hint User Init Job, Hint Register Config Job.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello  , 

      suggestion is on point and it's the correct path forward to prevent these jobs from running. 

    I just want to add that this was documented as product issue #91174 that was already fixed.
    From version 13.1 onwards these jobs should be automatically prevented from running when Hint is not part of the license. 



  • Thank you  , Thank you  

    We're planning to get to 14.0 next month, so I'll be patient and wait.

    It's been a long road this year from Pro 11.x to Ent 12.0, including a bunch of server/OS upgrades, and we are finally seeing the light in the tunnel to 14.0 Smile

    Still some way to go to leverage all the "cool" stuff... it will be a relief to be back on track!